Friday, July 30, 2010

Direction of Birds (psychic attempt)

I tried to see if it is possible for me to change the direction birds are flying. Of course, almost totally and completely crazy, I know. However, some people can really do these things. So I tried. I ended up getting about, well, a 70% success rate.

I first asked God if this was something to try to do with unused brainpower, as we don't use our full capacity. Then I asked if it was something to pray about and it seemed really strange. Oh weird, birds just came up close to the window and I could hear them for the first time while inside a building.

I was lying on the grass and every single bird was flying with the current, in the direction that the river was flowing. All of them. Seagull after seagull and little sparrow after sparrow.

So I said to God, "Can we change the direction that the birds are flying? I want them to go the exact opposite way." I felt it was a frivolous thing but argued it was just curiosity.

So first I said I wanted them to all go the opposite way from that point on. Then, I decided to add, "Or how about one bird from one direction and another from another direction and they cross right in front of me?"

So I waited for intersecting birds and just no birds. Then I was looking out at the water and within a minute, a seagull flew past, the opposite direction as I'd asked. Instead of being impressed I thought it would be more impressive to see intersecting birds. Then I thought "Am I asking for too much?"

So from that point on, every single bird flew against the current.

Until I prayed they start going the other way again. Right after I asked for this to happen, the next birds were going the other direction again.

I did this about 7 times and left periods of maybe 15 minutes or so for each trial and I got 6 out of 7 tries right.

However, I still think it could be some random odds.

I was very impressed when a whole flock went against current, the wrong way for migration. But still, I think it's like a coin toss.

There have been experiments over coin tosses.

I ended it after I asked that the birds go the other way again, and it was when it didn't go that way, but the strange thing was that the bird acted confused and I thought it was going to turn back for a minute--it was flying in a slightly different way. But it continued on and then I quit.

I figured it was just a way to pass time, out of curiosity, while sitting near the water. I sent all the emails I can send today and tonight will probably be relegated to research.

I guess technically, my odds were more like 85% good, but again, it's so random, like tossing coin and sometimes I am sure it just happens to work out that way. Sometimes a bird would fly past right away and other times I had to wait but almost, well, most of the time, they did go in the direction that I wished them to go.

Wish I could do that with people.

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