Friday, July 30, 2010

deletion and offense

I went ahead and deleted something bc there was really no offense and I was just using a plate for demo purposes.

I had some people driving by looking really mad and I have no clue why. If I offended anyone, it would be those in charge of my CPS case, but I think that's natural.

Any other offense was unintended. I don't know if I went to the wrong place or someone thought I talked to the wrong person or what.

One thing I noticed was that possibly some of the computer problems were with certain individuals and not police. And if there are good police helping look out for my son, I care about that because he needs this. There are a lot of bad things going on.

But I did notice that it looked like some persons were trying to cause problems with my internet on purpose and screwing deliberately with my laptop. I also noticed that there is this little uprising with a certain group if I ever mentioned Diana's name or anything about any of them. It is like all hell breaks loose. I saw some people look really upset or worried, mainly wearing green shirts and I'm sorry if something I did affected you personally, if you have not done anything wrong with regard to my son or me.

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