Friday, July 30, 2010

Image of my son trapped & what I am filing Tuesday

I had an image of my son a few hours ago.

He was penned in.

I was trying to think of good things and send him good thoughts and this image of my son running from one gate or fence thing to the next and crying and worried and trying to get out, came to my mind in a distinct image. It was a flash insight.

It wasn't a really tall fence. It was a little taller than he was and he was basically fenced in. I thought maybe it was something from the past where he wa at daycare and this happened, or someone at a church nursery or somewhere else did this to him.

He was all alone in the image I had. I didn't see anyone around him and it was like he'd been left there, by himself and was ignored or something and was trying desperately to get out and he would go from one end of the fence and push and then turn to the other end and push against the other end.

For some reason I got it like almost like a horse fence, with planks or whatever inbetween. I didn't see plastic grating but it was a quick flash and I don't know that I got it perfectly. Just like, for example, seeing that receptionist's dog almost clearly but not 100% right. Missing or wrong on a couple of details. So something might be a little different than what I got, but I am positive about what I saw.

He was stuck in an area about the size of a space that this guy on a bike told me was about the size of 9 x 13 but I am looking at it and think it's about 7 x 10.

So, a space no larger than this and maybe half the size even. I think slightly larger though. I saw colors of white and yellow but not sure why or how. I don't know where it was. I just know I saw him pushing against the fence and was trying to get out.
My laptop quit overheating when I wrote that.
At first I thought he was just pushing gates or at a fence of some kind, and was trying to look around or get out but then I worried he was trapped or left alone somewhere somehow.

I am not completely sure. I just know 100% that it was a solid image of something real. When, where, and what, not completely positive, but that was the main part.

I didn't have a bad feeling but I can't always trust feelings. To me, in the flash, he looked more frantic than excited.

I love you Oliver.

Someday you will know just how much.
I know that one thing I will do on Monday is talk to a lawyer about reversing this whole 'no visitation' thing. If someone doesn't help me Monday, I'm filing it myself in federal court and skipping over the courts here.

I am also filing my claim against all the people who have harassed me and lied and tried to "ban" me while threatening me with police unnecessarily. There is Monday and that's it. I am not waiting any longer than Monday for someone to file something for me and get involved.

Otherwise, I will be filing a lot of material in federal court where everything gets scanned in for public perusal.
My energy and clarity is coming back slowly. I know without a doubt that I was medicated for almost 1 1/2 years off and on and a lot of other things at the same time.

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