Friday, July 30, 2010


I think it's great.

I wouldn't condone anything where people are going to be killed because of someone's leak, if they are good people with good intentions.

However, a lot of what is being exposed is just good whistleblower exposure. It's important because some people have been fired over it and they should have been outed before, but now there isn't a choice.

Whistleblower protection should extend to normal civilians and not just government workers. Currently, the laws for protection or damages, go to government workers or possibly employees but not to any civilian who is harassed, punished, and maybe assaulted or almost killed for trying to do the right thing.

If someone can't protect the information, like military stuff, it's the fault of government for allowing a lot of others to view it but NOT the public.

I would hope someone would do the same thing for me and my son and the evidence that is out there about what has happened to us.

I just found Wikileaks. Hooray! Just in time.

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