Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dream Last Night & My Comment to the "Psychologists"

I had an intricate dream last night but I've forgotten portions. I also anticipated someone stepping on my toes while half-asleep and moved them before they were got but felt the floor move where they stepped. Not a big deal, but I knew before it happened and they weren't walking around either, but already sitting.

My dream was that I was sitting someplace and complimented this young woman about something. She was very pretty and had brown hair and a rounder face. Then this other young woman sat down with blond hair and both had a very artistic but expensive look. They obviously had money. The blond took an interest in me but was watching me carefully the whole time and then wanted to give me a ride somewhere and then all of a sudden her father called for her. She didn't want me to know who her father was, because in the dream, it was detrimental possibly, to her concealment about who she was or why she wanted contact with me and for what purpose. Her father came out of the room, oblivious, and he had on a yamika. He was a rabbi. She acted nervous and in the dream I looked at her and thought I would have never known because she didn't even resemble some of the traits that come to mind (sometimes, not always) with a woman who is Jewish. She was extremely beautiful, as many are, but blond with a smaller nose and a different set of features. The man who was her father looked very young and was lean and tall and had brown or dark brown hair. So then I was left to wonder why she hadn't wanted me to know she was Jewish, or that her father was a rabbi, or what her interest in me was. I had a sense that I was NOT regarded as a friend exactly but a point of interest for some reason. I didn't know. Neither of them looked like someone I know personally from my past or present. I saw faces though.

They were young enough that I had felt it was a compliment they wanted me in their company and that they also thought I was about the same age, when they were only early 20s or so.

Then, I had some other segment of a dream but I can't remember what it was. I've completely forgotten what was in the middle and next I was dreaming I was in this huge auditorium but it was like at a mall. There were people singing kareoke and someone asked me to sing but I didn't feel like it.

Then I ended up singing one song and everyone got very quiet and the room cleared until it was just a few people there, staring. In the periphery were others, hiding in corridors and not showing their faces, but listening. I didn't know what I would sing next and then I woke up.
When I was at the store the other day, being told I could pick out some items since people in Wenatchee have sold and parceled out, and stolen everything I own, I walked in with what I was wearing thinking about the state worker who had been wearing my shoes from Bebe and the parallel that came to mind was of Cinderella. Not that there was a knight in shining armor, but that the extreme jealousy with which I had been stripped of my belongings, was exact. How these people wanted to me to be humiliated and to walk around with nothing.

Then today, this morning I was walking out to go to a computer and what came to mind was how I got the passage from Job, about having everything taken from enemies and I thought about how apt this was, when at the time I did not even know the whole truth yet, and didn't know what had happened to my things.
Then, this morning I passed one of the Wenatchee psychologists, who was standing out on the sidewalk when I walked by. One of several who have severely affected and prejudiced my case with my son by playing favors for the State by telling me they were going to do an evaluation and then going back on it at the last minute, stalling my clock.

I got coffee and then went to his office where then a woman from CPS or social services was there, a "Kimmie", to present him with his bread for the day--some woman. I filled out a request for release of my records and got a copy and then said, "What you did severely affected my case and don't ever think you are on my good list." I then told him as I left that I had not even begun to start reporting the psychologists who were unethical.

These people took bribes and paid favors, and from my standing, with what I know and have seen, they are the ones who need therapists.
I told someone yesterday that it was strange that the Wenatchee police and others have done so many illegal things because they were just setting themselves up to be liable in a massive civil suit. I told him, "It's like they WANT me to be a multi-millionaire or billionaire. I don't want that. I want my son. If I had a choice between being offered multiple millions and my son, I would always choose my son."

Then I said, "It's like I have people trying to drive me out of the entire country."

I wonder who thinks they would profit most from that.

I have also noticed that some men are more friendly or flirting and I find it very peculiar that any one of them would even think they could be dating me or interest me. It's over in that regard. If someone thought having my son taken would make me a more attractive "single woman", that strategy has backfired because while some assholes may think it's great, it reinforces how I will have nothing to do with any of them. Don't come crawling to me looking for attention when you did NOTHING for the reuinficiation of a mother and child. I would not even waste your fucking time. There will be nothing for anyone until my son is returned to me.

Basically, I am your best bitch until my son is returned.

I also realized I have been completely idiotic about some of my family, in trusting them and trying to do good and defending them. My mom and dad may care, back there somewhere, in their own way but my mother's family doesn't. Seeing how they left me in jail for the 3rd time on an arrest that was false, wasn't shocking anymore...it was a wake-up call to my own stupidity. I have had my cousins mock me and in all this time what has one of them done, at all? to be supportive? they haven't done even one single thing. They have worked against me, never for me and my son at all. And all this time, despite the past, I was the one who was willing to overlook things. No matter how many times others said my family was against me, I defended them. I defended them over and over and over. And then one day, you wake up and realize what an idiot you've been and that it's not even shocking anymore, and how your child needs his mother to rescue him--not just from the State and larger groups, but from people in her own family who should not be allowed to raise children to be self-righteous liars as they are. The most shocking part is that they combine this idea of religious faith with their lying and mockery of me, and they do to my son what others here do--they use children on behalf of getting messages across to the adults. I do not want my son raised by anyone in this area, or if this is how the country is, anyone in this country. I have the right to take my child anywhere I choose and raise him in accordance with my values and beliefs. I feel sorry for him that he's been manipulated like other kids are, and used as a pawn.

In the last two visits he's done this thing where he gets mad and then acts out the same reprimand and lecture he's getting from someone else, with a finger pointing. He looks so sad when he does this and it breaks my heart that he is treated severely. Who the hell points a finger at a kid? even if giving a lecture? that indicates someone who is physical in other ways, and needs to talk and punish with their hands because they don't know how to rely on intelligence of speech and respect a child. You don't talk to a child with little raised index finger. How banal and caveman. My son is now picking up these traits.

At least in this last visit he demonstrated once again how he wants to be with his mother. I will detail this later.


  1. A few problems with this blog. Read your own blog (previous posts) - you have not defended your family, you have said some really nasty things about them. Why would your family help you out because you lie to them (you were overheard telling one of them you were getting $400 a week unemployment and you'd pay them back, when you have blogged you aren't getting unemployment). No, you don't have the right to take your child anywhere and raise him because your parental rights have been terminated. That means you have no rights to your child. I know your family, they aren't self-righteous liars and they aren't manipulating your son. The State didn't have to place your son in the custody of your aunt and uncle, Your aunt and uncle didn't have to take him, they chose to take him until you got things straightened out with CPS and could have him back. You have failed to do that, they have continued to care for him because he is family. They could have decided to let CPS place him in a different home at any point but they chose not to. That sounds like family who cares what happens, not a family that doesn't care.

  2. First of all, it's not over. I have the right to appeal and stay all decisions until appeals are exhausted. This means I am able to turn it around and I have more than ample grounds to do so. So no, my rights are not terminated. You are wrong.

    Secondly, you shouldn't repeat hearsay unless you are the party to the conversation. The only time I've ever said anything about paying family back had nothing to do with what you're talking about and not in the amount or timeframe either. So again, you are wrong.

    Thirdly, there is nothing wrong with my parenting and my family has admitted this. They and others know that this entire case has been about my being "offensive" to other ADULTS, not having anything to do with my parenting skills and not even about any kind of mental disability of any kind. I worked in childcare and as a nanny almost my entire life and was about to open a daycare at the time my son was taken to prevent my having guardianship of my son when I wanted to file a medical malpractice suit on his behalf and when I had some serious political problems with people who had an issue with my "blog".

    Having an blog that is found to be offensive is not grounds for termination of parental rights.

    The State of Washington proved nothing and rather admitted they did not have evidence and that they did not even offer or provide "services" they would be required to provide if they DID have evidence.

    Remember: the State of Washington "won" factfinding by DEFAULT because I was hung up on in a hearing after being told to represent myself on the spot.

    A solid case against me doesn't run on defactos like this.

    It's a slimey mess of a case that the State of WAshington has poured hundreds of thousands into (literally) to cover their asses.

    See you in court. I invite you to attend.
