Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wenatchee Police Extortion

Yesterday I was trying to get the name of the person who ran into me and the police told me I could go to the station and pay for records. I asked to look at the records before paying so I knew what I was paying for and they refused.

I told them the police cannot make people pay for something when they don't even know what they're paying for. People have a right to know.

They refused and then Captain Jones told me if I didn't like maybe the next thing he could do would be that someone was going to put a restraining order on me from the police station. I said that would be very interesting.

I told him they have a duty to give a victim of assault the name of the person who assaulted them so they can make a complaint or get a restraining order if desired and the police cannot CHARGE someone to pay money for that information first.

Then, I tried to give Candace, a clerk there, my written report of the misdemeanor trespass committed by Steve May, and asked for someone to just initial and date on my copy that it was received and she refused. She went back to talk to someone and put a stamp on my copy that said "COPY" and that was it. Anyone can go to the store and get a "COPY" stamp. I asked her for a normal stamp of date received and the initials or for it to be handwritten and she refused. I have the right to have my paper dated and initialed to show it was received and this is normal protocol. She continued to refuse, which really makes it appear as though Wenatchee Police wants to refuse solely because they would like to "lose" or trash my report rather than have it in a file of things they've not taken care of. It doesn't look good.

I said I was going to leave it with her overnight and maybe someone could consult the City attorney or someone out of the area on their pattern of conduct at this point.

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