Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dreams Last Night & News Today

I woke up this morning thinking about my son. My dreams early this morning, were complex and I didn't write them down. There were 2 different men involved and a lot of traveling and then tons of gift bags and things and it was like a movie but I don't remember all the detail. I'll have to recall what I can.

I was in a decent mood when I woke and made coffee. Then I felt like cooking. For some reason, I'm not into cereal in the morning as much as I used to be. I do like oatmeal bc I know it's one of the better energy sources. And raisin bran. But if there is a tin of oysters around or eggs and bacon, I am leaning torwards the protein. I've eaten all the oysters here and early in the morning. I looked at this tin of kippered herring and thought about it but they're expired and I'm sort of afraid of herring bc I've never had it before. I've had smoked salmon and oysters but not herring.

Then I decided to make pasta shells with parmesean sauce and found brocoli and rice mix and also an indian spinach with paneer cheese. I don't know if I should try mixing them up in the crockpot but I'm still sort of camping so maybe why not. I am mainly uncertain about mixing spinach and brocoli. I poured a little of the juice from the tin of mandarin oranges into the pot bc a little sugar can never hurt. I tried to find chicken to add meat but can't find any so will go with vegetarian.

I'm in a mood to cook today. I am also thinking about going to church but I don't know which one.

I don't know why my son hasn't been on his horse ride yet. If they are worried about someone ambusing, they should tell CPS and get one of those fancy security guards to unhitch and dispatch. If I need to pay for a security guard to go on the excursion as well, let me know. I think someone is holding them back from taking my son, bc there's no reason why they wouldn't have done this already.

He wasn't able to go on the train ride this Saturday either, and what's the point of scheduling a glider ride? I think someone is directing them to not do these things to make them look bad and try to adopt my son out to someone else.

I just dumped all the packages into the pot. I figured there's enough MSG in all of them to make it taste good, no matter what!

I was thinking, I don't think I like the idea of spinach and broccoli mixed unless maybe the spinach is subued in a quishe (msp) or it's raw spinach leaves and raw broccoli with raisins or something, in a fresh salad.
My dream. I don't remember it all. I just know I was traveling or going to some event and these girls came in and one was giving me a swimsuit she'd picked out in blue purple and maybe some silver design on the front, a one-piece, and then I was around all these people and at one point, in this large building I was staying the night in this big room with ochre yellow, a very warm yellow with a little tan and orange in the mix to make it very rich and the ceilings were high, it was a private room in a house, and not everything was in a proper place (like it was a storage room partly, but a very nice one), but it was in a very large place and then the couch or bed was very narrow and folded down and seemed out of place and then this one said something about not wanting to be intimate bc they were serious about me and I said okay and then it was someone else, someone connected to him, that came in and something happened in a fling and it didn't mean anything and I still liked the other one and then he found out and was upset. But it was really strange, bc that's not at all what is going on in my life right now. So then, I can't remember what happened next, but then I was leaving some large room with people again and these korean or asian women and men were all saying goodbye and other too, and the girl with the bathing suit had left the suit on a table for me, and then I was given this huge gift bag with things for me in it. And then on the table, I noticed some flowers had been picked and set out on the table, with a pin, and I had this idea that I was being watched as to whether I would leave the building with a corsage and affix it to my lapel or not. So I was sorting through these plucked flowers and greenery, and there were these green pieces, and then tiny blue flowers and then white ones, some sort of feathery in thin strands and then a few more open and small like star bell wildflowers, with such a cup shape and small and I started arranging them and then said to the person next to me, a man who then had his wife near and a child, didn't these white flowers (not the bell shaped ones, the other thin ones) look like cat fur? and they did, all splayed out, very fine like a lot of hairs and I said it looked like something from a persian cat or with persian cat fur, like a cat ran into it. And the child said it did and then I was wondering if I should make a little arrangement to leave in a small vase, behind, or if I should take the little ribbon (lavendar-purple and just a piece without already having been tied) and the pin and walk out with a corsage. Then I woke up.

There was a LOT more but I don't remember everything. I might remember more later. I guess I remember something about the two girls in the beginning, with the swimsuits. One wore a pink swimming suit or held one and the other had a blue (sort of periwinkle or medium blue, not dark or light blue) and purple with silver one, it was a metallic shimmery design in the middle but I couldn't see what it was. They were about 9-11 years old. I also recall the one man said he wanted to get to know me better and then had to leave and then after being with the other one, there was something about that, but I can't remembe what. Like he gave me something or I gave him something or just that he had something with him but I don't remember what. The parts that I do remember I remember well and might look up the kind of flowers and some other things. The gift bag was in a thick bag sort of dark brown or copper but pearlescent and closed at the top. There was some indication of what was in the bag but I don't remember now.
I'm going to look up scripture and then decide about church.

I didn't really pray over it first but opened up the Bible and got Luke 17 from verse 1 and I rea until verse 6.

I guess I'll pray and see what comes up. I asked for something about the person I might be with someday and opened up to Ecclesiastes Chapter 4. Read the whole chapter but nothing really stands out. Just random. I think, just random today.
I looked up white flowers and found a pepper flower that has the right shape but I don't know that this was it. but here's the general shape:,%2Bphotos&usg=__fvHnXyeA73tEcN1AY4nOEpY9mwQ=&sa=X&ei=GTVDTK3YKIK4sQPC1-jVDA&ved=0CCkQ9QEwBg

I guess the other approximation I found is the white "balloon" flower:
This is a clip of the color of the yellow room.
1It's hard to tell though because the patterned stuff takes over but the general color is in the clip and then the walls were super tall and ceilings high and maybe a hint more of light or vibrance, (maybe a touch brighter yellow but still this rich effect) but about this tone of yellow. I think the giftbag was a little more bronze or dark brown with a pearlesent shimmer (understated) than copper colored but I can't remember. It was heavy material, not a thin gift bag.

That's about it. I think the blue flowers were like the little collumn miniature wildflowers that are found here. Then there were the other white flowers that looked like little hairs for some reason. The greenery included little fern stems and I think maybe rose leaves but I specifically remember something sort of frilly like a thin wand of fern and other greens to sort. It was a small little pile.

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