Saturday, July 17, 2010

the wagler viper

i haven't looked up this guy in awhile. will wagler. one minute i was waving a long seedpod by the window, while on the phone with him, and i thought later, "why did i do that?"

next thing I know, next day is an unveiling of a painting where the queen elizabeth (the first) is actually holding a snake in her hand, not roses. well, under the roses. any and every good gift of a posy or mini-bouquet should be presented to the queen hereafter, with a gartner snake.

so then all of a sudden, about that time I was trying to go online to document myself and prove i am normal (abnormal times call for desperate measures) and then i had some guy in the UK who knew the fucking number on my electric blanket and all kinds of weird shit went down and my legs blew up and my heart almost quit too. though my legs didn't get large until this goodman guy was next door and then everything got worse. i realized, no one cares if i'm pregnant. in fact, they would kill my unborn child.

so it was horrible. and the burning stuff. all of it horrible. tazered, lasered and blazered and literally, tortured, and my son too and I saw evidence of the same in him. and for WHAT?

Today the twithcing happened at only one location all day: the police station, but it mainly happened when this woman was parked nearby outside the window and I didn't know it but when I felt the sensation, i turned and that was it. when I turned, to see if someone was outside or how to figure out where it came from, it was just her and then I was writing down her plates and she took off and at that moment the police came in.

no burning at all now, but when first here it happened. it's almost like russians went home and people want me to think it was them or something. but the burning and other stuff went on after they were gone i think, and then just quit. which is why i am a fan of thermosphere disturbances and all kinds of natural disasters. and is another reason for me to suspect someone is up to medicating me or trying something out again and then to make it look really "good" someone quit the torture and wants to say it's the meds taking effect. if not this, no meds and finally off and someone wanted to do this, quit, anyway? because i lost the dependency? because i lost something else? because i'm sufficiently...what? it still is going on with my son, i feel he cannot defend himself and NO ONE should make claims I am nuts when i have had physical evidence of things that have happened to me, and I have been able to prove over and over that I do not exaggerate and I know my own body.

so i looked will up today and nothing had changed much. he's toned down so they must have had their baby. i am not sure what to think, because i think i need to someday see who this wife of his is because i have a feeling we've met before. maybe not.

so i looked that up, to see if the baby was here, and then closed out and then went to the viper page with a snake called the wagler. i looked at his movie list and that was one thing that stood out because i had the movie amelie come to mind many times in a new way, a few weeks ago and didn't know why. hadn't talked to anyone about it or anything. just remembered some parts out of the blue for some reason. i never liked the movie, at least when i saw it, but when it came to mind i recalled what was going on in my life when i saw it, who i saw it with, and how a few things parallel. it's not really my favorite movie at all.

i haven't talked to will since i rattled the snake seedpod at the window.

i also thought it was strange how a lot of things about my life, at that time, were getting leaked to press that wasn't even in the u.s. it was a lot of inuendo, but i picked up on it.

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