Saturday, July 17, 2010

Psychic Vacation Today

I had a fully non-psychic day. I didn't try to guess anything or use prayer or anything to ask questions or think about things. I just asked normal questions to make conversation, not having any psychic impressions at all.

Today was a very basic day. I did have dreams this morning but they were really out there and can't remember them all.

One of the stranger things was that a few days ago I had a dream where all I saw was the face of this legal service carrier in town and it was just her face. The next two days after that, I ran into her on a repeated basis, in one day about 8 times and I thought what was that about.

I've had other intuitive insights. But pure intuition or reading body language. I thought the announcer for "So you think you can dance" had had a hard day yesterday when she wore the yellow dress. She was herself, but it was like she'd had a hard day outside of her job. Then I noticed her eyes too and then noticed all these people doing the same eyeliner around here. I really liked her dress the day before, which was draped and had a lot of colors.

I looked at a few photos of the royal family and what stood out most to me was one photo where (I only saw about 4-6 photos last night) harry is looking at a woman and for some reason, i can't see her face but I intuit she must be very pretty or kind or something he likes, because of the way he's looking at her and then his buddies are looking over too. I felt I could read an attraction by his eyes or body language in that one photo.

That isn't psychic though, it's just interpreting normal signals we give out on a regular basis.

Haven't tried to think of anything today. I did look for a photo of the Queen today bc I had some idea of something about an insect pin or broach or item around her or on her today. I didn't know if it was a bee, or ladybug, or what and thought I was probably wrong, but it came to mind (and is probably wrong). there are too many things which could fit and it's saturday and maybe a no-broach day. i don't know.

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