Friday, July 23, 2010

I Was In Jail (with a real live unicorn)

I got out of jail today. I was arrested for something I didn't do, I don't believe, and then got out and listened to music, talked to some people, and read the news. It feels like a lot has happened in just a couple of days.

I had only a few impressions or images while in jail. Not a ton. More impressions than images even.

I was so upset, and prayed for one thing which I found has happened but not always in the way I think it will. But I'm sort of surprised. I also had an impression of someone there with me at one point, while I was lying down. I felt maybe this person even sent it to me but I'm not sure.

Then, I got an expression of laughing out loud and cheering or happiness that I was let out. Won't say who, but someone shocked and laughing and glad for me (I think) at the same time.

I didn't do a lot of reading the Bible, but I opened it up the first night before I fell asleep and got, once again, from a totally new Bible, Esther 7. I have no idea why I keep getting this one, for me, because it's about saving her people and I'm not sure who my "people" are other than that I care about those who are oppressed, in general, and I love and care deeply about my son.

I also had a couple of names come to mind, and today out of jail too. Then, after getting a name, in my mind, I then heard confirmation with this name said out loud.

In the morning I sang to Psalms and made a few things up.

Oh, and I landed on a page about unicorns which I can't find in other Bibles and the sad part (I thought) was that it looked like someone had left a booger there next to "unicorn". It was in the book before Psalms and I looked at NKJV and NIV and those versions don't mention any unicorn. So maybe it was straight up KJV or an older one. Then, after I was reading about the unicorn, having landed on it, I saw a real live one, in an orange jumpsuit with a chain rope tied around his waist a number of times and a padlock on it in several places. He was in front of me in the line up out to court, and I said out loud, "What are you? a fuckin' unicorn?" and commented on his chained up belt but I was joking and he had a grin on his face. The guard said to watch out and I said he knew I was joking around and was smiling.

I have a lot of things to write about but there are some serious problems. I can joke, but some of this wasn't funny at all. It is very strange right now--I have to write later. I am also focusing on an Appeal for my son, but I don't know how much I can do tomorrow with the courthouse closed and the police kept my entire legal papers and evidence and laptop. I was accused of being somewhere near 100 ft. of a banned area, but I had put in a motion to terminate the order because I have evidence the accusations against me are false. But my bag and legal stuff and laptop have NOTHING to do with the charges...they're not evidence of what I was charged for. It was mainly trumped up, I think because someone hoped to get something else on me but there was nothing.

It has nothing to do with the charge either, so I tried to get it back and I can't believe it. Will go into that tomorrow.

I was very thankful that the Judge gave me personal recoginance. Very thankful and I thank Judge Wyse for that because I can't fight for my son from jail.

Some have been more kind lately, and then I still have a major battle. I am doing my best.

I read a new article with the Michael guy and while I wasn't sure what his angle was when I first read comments attributed to him, I feel something is right about this article now:

I think it's wise to check motives always, but I agree with him for the most part, just don't know what has piqued his concern or which parts stand out to him. I would so love to talk to him.

Anyway, I just read and then left it there. I had an impression this afternoon of what's happened to me, sort of a parallel to a story but it was a flash I felt was shared by someone else (not related to Diana now, other tangent). I felt the whole jail thing was a lesson in "A Day in the Life of Prince William" or that they were making it that way or something, so that I could "feel" what lack of privacy and harassment are like. Oh believe me, I know! It might be my imagination though, however...well, later.

Anyway, I LOVE YOU OLIVER!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so happy to try to work this out, however hard it is.

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