Saturday, July 24, 2010

Another False Arrest and Harrasment at Jail

There were a few officers or guards who treated me normally. A few things have changed. But there were others who did things to intentionally harass and humiliate me.

I have to get copies of the Motions I made to be filed.

Yesterday when I was going through the Goodwill, to pick up 2 shirts and pr of pants, I thought about how I had impressions of the police going through all of my belongings.

I hope I am wrong about this, but last night someone told me everything I owned had been thrown out or given away to people by Steve May, the same guy who vandalised my things and stole items from me. I saw a state worker, at CPS, wearing the exact same shoes I got on the East Coast from my fiance at Bebe. I had two boxes of legal papers with him and my personal photo albums, video recorder and audio recorder, and planner, and other things.

I told the officer, who said he might be wrong, that I hoped he was wrong, because if this happened, there will be a major lawsuit for all of the damages I've incurred.

So then I had only my bag with me, which has almost everything else I own, and I have all my make-up and other legal documents and evidence (CDs and other things) for the hearings for the Termination Trial and I'm trying to appeal this and the Wenatchee police are lying, deliberately, and knowing I have a right to my belongings since I'm out on PR. This property of mine has nothing to do with whether I was too close to a property or not. They also took my laptop, knowing I have to have this to obtain my other records and they are illegally holding my private laptop when it is NOT evidence of what I was charged with.

If someone wants to examine the physical features of the laptop or whatever to detect forensically, if what I have claimed is true, in how it's been used as a conduit, if there's some way to do that, this would be great. But I feel it's just being perused for personal reasons and kept to make it difficult for me to get my son.

Before my laptop was taken, the Chief of Police, Tom Robbins, was willing to meet me to discuss reports which haven't been handled by police. Now that he has my laptop, his secretary says he won't meet me and they won't put their refusal to meet me in writing either.

The "property" he is claiming is "evidence" of being "within 100 ft. of a property", which has NOTHING to do with this, includes my foodstamp and cash card, and like I said, all the evidence from my hearings for the case regarding my son.

I tried to call to make an appointment with the Mayor and the City of Wenatchee lawyer, because they should know how illegal this is and how it intentionally obstructs justice and my right to appeal for my son and have other matters taken care of which I have a legal right to do.

I have the ticket or citation and the report read against me, by the Judge, was about being within 100 ft of a property.

I have a right to my belongings and in no way is any part of it "evidence" of whether I crossed an invisible zone line.

I experienced some really mean things by some of the guards when I was in jail. Some were okay and some just wanted to pretend to be okay I think, but very mean things were done to me.

I was put in an isolation cell with nothing for over 6 hours, and it was freezing cold. I asked for a blanket several times and they were right around the corner but no one would give me one. I was hungry and I had nothing to eat. When food arrived, I didn't want to eat hardly anything they served. I ate a piece of bread and a few vegetables and the hot dog part of the corn dog. The next meal, I only ate two pieces of cantalope and a small egg and one slice of tomato.

They put me in the room and told me to take off my bra and underwear. I was handed a size 3XL (41-42) jogging bra and underwear and I said I wanted to wear my own and they said I couldn't. So I wasn't going to have them parade my underwear around when they were insulting me and trying to humiliate me by giving me a bra the size of Texas, knowing I'm a Cape Cod.

So she left and I tore my underwear to shreds. I knew my underwear would be displayed for the officers and guards to laugh at, make jokes over, or to discuss with members of the public. I saw the toilet and knew I could flush it all so I disassembled the entire thing. I knew they would retrieve everything that was flushed, as they do, to see if you're trying to get rid of evidence. I ripped the underwear into pieces the size of fingernails and tore up the whole bra. First the straps into pieces and then the cups had a thin covering and then thin foam and then at the bottom, tiny bustierre parts. I completely tore it up and flushed it. Now, I'm walking around in a bra that's still a size too big and had to stuff it because all of my belongings have been stolen from me and I cannot even get a normal size bra. I have people in the community who think it's funny. Real nice people.

Then, after being isolated in this cell for BULLSHIT again, because someone lied about me for a restraining order and because the Judge didn't honor my request for a termination because of evidence to prove it wasn't true, after a few hours, I went between focusing my attention to prayer and directing things to persons responsible, and getting upset. This is the first time they actually took my fingerprints so I guess it means someone from the CIA doesn't want to train me to be a spy anymore. They took them before, but always very smudged.

I asked why I had been put in a room with a camera and not told there was a camera there and they said there was no camera. I had undressed in front of it.

It was disappointing to try to call some people about bail and find there was no one.

I also had some phone disturbances involving a number I kept trying to call for a friend.

I will go back to it, but when I was leaving, the message was suddenly one with an English accent who said, "The number you have reached is NOT in service." Why the hell was I getting an operator who was English? In JAIL.

I will go through the whole thing from start to finish, from the moment I tore up my bra and underwear, because there is more, but don't feel like writing about it right now.

Nothing got any better until I was given a different cell which was large and had more space and a shower and close to the law library. It was warmer and had a Bible which I kept asking for.

1 comment:

  1. You are such a sweetheart it is truely sad to hear about you being treated this way.

    Make sure to keep posting pics of you smiling. It lets them know that no matter what they do, they cant keep you down.

