Saturday, July 24, 2010

More About Jail

While in jail I wondered about some of the name tags of the guards. Were these names their real names? I guess I can go back and find out. A few didn't sound like they were for real.

So I was given a decent amount of time to try to get bail over the phone, but it didn't happen and I had no lawyer contact me and it was about impossible to get anyone on the phone in that regard. I tried to call a lawyer but all I got was secretaries.

Then I was yelling about how I shouldn't be held at all when I was arrested on trumped up charges as an excuse to perform an illegal search and seizure because someone thought I might have drugs and was wrong and how I was placed in a cop car with a K-9 dog. This guy put me right next to a K-9 dog that matched the great dog that was on the cover of the book they put in the visitation room at my last visit.

I got to this point, after over 8 hours of being left in this cell and resorting to singing a little bit. There were some guys who felt bad I could tell, and some who were getting off on it.

I also saw this one guard, who I need to find out more about because it was a very long time and then I started having the benign fasciculations, a couple times, like something else was going on and I don't believe most of those guys had anything to do with it.

Then it quit and didn't start again until I was in a different cell and placed a note in my window and then it happened again until I was out in the court for arraignment.

After I brought up illegal search and seizure and being put in the car with a dog, I was let out to go to a different room, that had normal heat levels and things, including a Bible. So I was thankful for that.

I kept asking for a bra though, and no one would get me a bra and I was forced to go out into public, in court, without a bra.

This female guard actually made a point of pulling my shirt out and looking down at my bare chest. She later told the guards: "She's little."

They did some very bad things in that regard. A little like Guantanamo Bay. Maybe some of them could apply for jobs there.

Oh, I almost forgot--after I was told to give up my bra and underwear, this woman came in and asked if I had any piercings, over and over. I said no and she said there must be something or I wouldn't be in the isolation cell. She said where was my underwear, and I said they had asked for my bra and underwear and I tore it up well and flushed. She said in that case, and looked over to another guard, she was classifying me as a "yellow". I said, "What is yellow?" and she had looked over to someone and said "Medium" like I was medium security and not low simply because I preserved my dignity. I said "I want to talk to a lawyer and to your supervisor. You don't have a right to classify me when I haven't even gone to arraignment yet and I may not be in jail and your classification will act as a prejudice to the Judge." So then she stared at me and backed off.

I was uncertain about their names because the guy who booked me in had a tag with the name "Humble". Then after I was told to undress I was met with hearing guards talk about bushes and then a guard with the name "Trim" was sent to talk to me. Whether or not it had anything to do with me, the way they talked, they wanted me to think so. The woman who tried to classify me was "Kennedy". Then after awhile, a guard with the name "Corter" came in.

Which pretty much tipped me off to the fact that they had just wanted to arrest me to try to find something else in my bag and realized there was nothing. Maybe they had found the quarter I had left behind at the payphone prior to my arrest.

I knew I was under some kind of surveillance so to spice things up and see how the community reacted and what happened, I went to a payphone and pretended to talk on the phone when there was NO ONE on the other line. I even put money in, or at least one quarter, and then hit release and left it in the thing. So I pretended to be talking to someone, giving a string of numbers (out of the blue, from nothing) and said I where should I drop "the stuff" and that it was pretty good "information" and my son needed protection and which kind of tree? deciduous or conifer? in a pot or not? I never said a word about anything illegal, or drugs or anything but if someone assumed the worst or was hoping hard, maybe the dream was to try to find me with drugs of all things. As if.

So it was only 45 minutes later this officer arrested me, claiming I was too close to a property but all he really cared about was my bag. He put me in a cop car with a large black dog from the K-9 unit, I guess to sniff me out and scare the hell out of me if the dog smelled any transfer or residue of drugs on me at all. The dog went from the passenger seat next to the cop to moving to the back seat and sat down next to me, calmly, watching with me as this cop is almost drooling over my bag and has this little smirk on his face. He was totally getting off on having my bag.

Then, I think someone must have told him the info was wrong or that there was a "problem" or mistake. Another car arrived and I was placed into the other cop car. I saw people driving by and so many just happy and a few mortified and staring at the way this cop was taking and going through my bag. I knew some of these people were as concerned as I was, that I was being put in jail with this appeal for my son urgent and when some of my evidence was in this bag. There were not as many who were upset for me--they were greatly outnumbered as most who were driving by acted like it was great. But maybe it was this group that had connections to "overhearing" my so-called "conversation" and so they wanted to be right there for the action because they were trying to cause problems.

So anyway, not once did I say a WORD about any kind of drugs and only said I would meet someone to give them some information and where should I put it?

So then I was arrested for being "too close to 100 ft. of a property."

As to the restraining order, I had a motion in to have it terminated and for a hearing to bring evidence to. So I was attempting to get this fixed because it's not legal and it bans me from a public state building, and another building for unemployment (how convenient) I guess, and who knows what else. She also told me not to make offensive comments about Erickson on my blog. That's a violation of free speech, to impose this, but I didn't go out and disobey the order just to put it in someone's face.

So then I was in the second cell and it was much larger and had things other cells didn't have so it was much better. I got the Bible in there. They left out 2 other books, one called "No pickle, no performance" and the other was "impulse" and then some other title. Someone said it was a special Bible. I don't know about that. It was a regular King James and maybe that spot next to the scripture about the unicorn was from a scab, but if not, it was a booger. I took a shower and was tired so I flipped open to any random thing and got Esther 7 and read that chapter and fell asleep.

Then I was given paper and kites and things which I used the next morning. The guards monitoring that area were all fine, in general. I had refused to sign a medical release so there were no visits by the psych nurse. I protected as much of my rights as I could although I realize now I could have maybe refused fingerprinting.

They also took my whole bag and I found out they didn't have a right to do this. It wasn't evidence used in the commission of a crime. It had nothing to do with what I was accused of and it was and should have been deemed "property" just like my necklace, and watch and other things which were put into a separate area. Yet on the property sheet, my "papers" were listed and jewelry, but not my laptop, laptop bag and legal evidence for MY cases. So I wrote it in.

Then I was told it was time for arraigment and right after reading this unicorn stuff and singing psalms, I was cuffed and walked out with 2 other men. The one in front of me was the guy with the chain wrapped around a lot and padlocked. In the hearing, after I'd quipped to him about being a unicorn, the Judge said he'd "escaped 3 times" and now was being charged with...whatever it was.

I was given a pen for filling out forms, that said on it: "Everything But The KitchenSync". I said out loud, "Yeah, I think the State can have THIS pen back because that's what's going to be left after I sue, the kitchen sink, and I don't appreciate how the State has taken everything but the kitchen sink from me." None of the other pens were titled like this. So they gave me a purple pen which was a lot better (sarcasm) because I filling out legal forms in light lavendar ink.

This other guard had his entire pocket picked off of his shirt, like he'd pulled threads until it came off.

Then I tried to speak up for the right of defendants to have a lawyer present before arraignment. Before pleading guilty or not guilty. I mean, they don't even get to look at the police report and see how it matches or not. They have no one advising them about their legal options either. I was told the county does this but not the city.

I was going to recuse the Judge bc she was part of my custody case on 2 hearings but I decided not to, because I couldn't wait and not see my son on Monday if there was a chance of getting out.

She asked this other guard what the bail was for me and I knew it was $1,000 but he jumped in and said it was $10,000. I said no it wasn't and said it was $1,000 and that I couldn't afford any bail at all and needed to be out and then I was very happy that she agreed. I am not a flight risk. I thought it was a little shocking that this one guard wanted to say it was $10,000 and it was sort of like he wanted it to sound worse so there were grounds to refuse letting me out on personal recoginance. I really wondered why he might have a motive to keep me in jail.

At the end, she said not to write anything offensive about her staff. So I agreed to this but she really banned me from this and I don't believe it's proper, within the boundaries of free speech. If it's defamation, that's one thing, but personal opinion is another thing. So I agreed.

The citation was for a basic trespass kind of thing. There was zero contact with another person and it was baseless. I went to pick up my things from "evidence" and then I was shocked to hear someone tell me they weren't giving me my bag with my computer and all my evidence for other cases and legal papers and evidence for my son's case.

The night before I was arrested I had tried to file my own anti-harassment complaints but the Judge wouldn't take them so I decided it's probably federal court.

I am journaling some of this now so I don't forget later.

I still need to write about the phone problems. There were also a few people involved which I won't write about publicly, but I noted how they seemed to be glad I was in jail.

Aside from the odd phone problems and the English accent of all things, the other thing was that when I was leaving, I stopped at the walk-out station and no one came to the window. I was looking in and I guess I was supposed to see what was there: a photo of some man who was latino and wearing a long sleeved lt blue oxford shirt with the name "Aurora, Billy". No one would come to the window so I pressed a button and I was just let out.

I was asked to return the jumper but not the underwear. I didn't have a bra because I had been forced to go without one, and even in public, where a couple of guards and public stared at my chest.

I didn't have a bra to return and they didn't want their underwear back. I took it off anyway and put it in their hamper. I wasn't going to walk out in prison panties. But now that I think about it, I shouldn't have returned them after I wore them either. I should have just flushed.

I had to write most of this out before I forgot it because I have things to do regarding my son and research. I can't do anything without my bag that has my stuff.

And I'm supposedly told my things are maybe gone from the last landlord, and I can't imagine this is true, but if it is, it is really bad.

Very bad.


  1. You make no mention of contacting the public defender's office. Did you contact them and explain you are indigent?

  2. Hi,

    Yeah, I tried. I was arrested on a Friday morning before noon. Last Friday. I was walking back from the Goodwill with a sack of toys for my son, never thinking for one minute that there was anything I could possibly be arrested for. It came as a complete shock and then I saw the dog in the car and though, "Oh, someone thought I was talking about drugs or something."

    So I asked to call the public defenders office and when I got them the secretary told me they'd do nothing for me until I requested a lawyer after arraignment. I said I wanted to speak to a lawyer prior to arraignment. I called a ton of other lawyers, the one on-call was O'Brien and he didn't call back and then I left messages with a lot of others. One thing that I was allowed a decent (maybe better than average) amount of time on, was the phone, trying to get out. I think a few police knew I didn't belong there and were trying to give me a chance to get out but no one was going to help me at all.

    I am fortunate to be out. So then it was weekend and now, on Monday (tomorrow), I have to apply for a lawyer. I seriously hope someone will spring into action bc I need my bag back.

    But yeah, I explained I was indigent and everything. Thank you for asking because it's good to note this, along with other things. :)
