Friday, July 9, 2010

Illegal Search and Seizure at Douglas County Courthouse

There was an illegal search and seizure of my property, while I was at the Douglas County Courthouse. (read entire thing to discover other strange events occuring with my mail and p.o. box).

A guard may search ones bags, and the state may eagerly inquire as to the contents of that bag if they like, however, it is illegal to REMOVE any property from any bag without a WARRANT. Well, they can remove something that's dangerous and keep it until the hearing is over. They cannot keep anything permanently and tell all the state workers and the Judge what they TOOK and not even let YOU know.

The guard that was appointed to stand in on my case, was instructed to, halfway through the hearings, suddenly search my bag including every single pocket. With all of the going in and out of that courthouse or courtroom, which was maybe between 25-30 times total (bathroom breaks over the course of 4 days, lunch, and arrival and departure), the guard was only asked to search my personal bag 2-3 times total.

Wait...if it wasn't the guard, the only other person who would or could have done it and then informed Mi
At any rate, the state made a big deal about asking if I had my key and wherechelle Erickson about it would have been someone I stayed with who Michelle admitted she talked to.

Michelle made it clear she was aware that my key was taken.

I believe it happened when possibly the guard went through pockets and withdrew 2 keys and then decided to "check again" in order to return the key which wasn't expired.

I had 2 post office box keys. I had discovered the key I thought had been lost wasn't lost and was going to return it and then at some point I think it did disappear. Maybe it was taken and then returned when I stayed where I did. But then I knew I had it again and had been meaning to return it to the post office myself, because I didn't use that box anymore and had a new p.o. box and key as well.

When I was trying to tell the Judge what my new p.o. box # was, I was digging in my bag and found the key wasn't there. I searched and couldn't find the key anywhere. So I said I couldn't find the key and everyone from the state was watching and looking and wanting me to produce a key. So then Michelle Erickson pipes up and says, "Are you still using the other post office box?"

Why would she even ask this, when the state has not been sending mail to that p.o. box for a long time? She already knew the answer, and yet maybe she asked because SHE knew someone had taken it out of my bag, and all of a sudden, wanted to make sure there hadn't been a mistake and that I was still USING that bag.

What I found strange though, and why I would tend to think it was the guard, was that his hands were in every single tiny pocket and yet he didn't do this on a regular basis, as a guard would do if they were really only checking for "security" purposes.

It would also explain why perhaps Michelle wouldn't have had a chance to check and confirm herself whether I still had this p.o. box for sure or not.

A security guard, I would think, if they are checking a bag for security, will check that bag each and every time, or most of the time--not just enough times to withdraw 2 keys (easy to hide in a hand) and then return the one which isn't expired.

Again, I may be wrong and the only other possibility would be that it happened because of Theo, who I stayed with and who Michelle admitted she knew.

It seems like at some point I do recall wondering where that key was when I stayed with him but then I am not sure if it was returned because I was thinking later that I had it again, and had to return it, but I could be wrong.

It could be that Theo stole the key the first time and then the guard was commissioned to check for and take any other keys to examine and then return if they felt it was "appropriate".

Possibly, someone could have even taken my RIGHT key for a short time, and used it to get into and check out what kind of mail was in my new post office box, though I would think that with security cameras around, this would be rather daring unless one were an individual who had some kind of weight and felt their authority meant they could skip over legal steps.

What I know, is that even if a key is lost and found, it is the duty and responsibility of the person to return it, when they can, and it does not create a right for anyone to go through a bag and begin stealing items. There is no provision in the law for this kind of "recovery". And first of all, I would think that someone might want to even ASK politely, unless they were devious and had a lot of things to hide to begin with.

I did nothing wrong, but a crime was committed (theft) when that key was taken out of my bag. Not only that, the state knew about it.

Not only that, the state and county people knew that I could use this key to prove A DIFFERENT CRIME by post office workers, when they tried to deny that I ever had a post office box with this number on the record.

I had a post office box of 1115, and when I was having problems getting my mail, I asked to renew this same p.o. box number and I was told by the post office in Wenatchee that no such box had ever been issued to this name.

This was after I discovered a lot of my mail was never received or missing.

I had P.O. Box 1115 and I lost the key. I tried to renew that same box and was told there was no evidence I EVER even had that box. I said, "WhAT?" and demanded to know why therre was no record.

As my grandmother would say, "The plot sickens".

They claimed any mail that may have been sent to 1115 was never my mail and they didn't hold it for me either. I was incredulous and said I wanted the same box to keep the same address and they said I couldn't have that one and NEVER had it to begin with or else they WOULD have a record. The postal worker said to me, "If you have a key and can PROVE it, then that would be the only evidence." He knew I had reported my key lost (and I had LOST that key or it was stolen and replaced. I later found it in a small pocket in my bag, much later.)

I was trying to use that P.O. box to also show I was not getting all of my mail for court.

So then, about a month or two ago, I went back and the passport people in the post office checked post office records and said yes, there was a record that I had that old box but they couldn't give me this record unless I filed a "release of information" request. I said, "You want me to fill out a FOIA or release of information request for 1 piece of paper that you're now holding in your hands?"

And I said to them, why would there be no record months ago and NOW there WAS a record?

So I was going to make an inquiry into what the hell was going on, and at that time was planning to also present the key to show I was the rightful owner in case something strange happened again.

But alas. It was stolen, and the state knew about it too.

Maybe someone decided not to lie after I was caught, ON CAMERA, in the post office, discovering I had the old key and was trying to see if it still worked.

I'm not an idiot. I could see the security camera and saw that it would pick up on whether I was trying a key in that box or not.

It was after I did THIS, that the post office version was "Oh yes," there WAS a record of my having had that box afterall.

I am sure anyone on a local level or federal level could check that surveillance and I'm quite sure someone was watching or did watch later.

I find it interesting how my records exist and don't exist, in even protected government buildings, when I am a U.S. citizen who is supposed to be able to rely on some pretty basic laws to safeguard my rights and my son's rights.

So anyway, if anyone ever tried to write me a check, or send a donation to my cause, I didn't get it. If someone sent a letter of support, I didn't get it. If someone really sent all of that application material for me to apply for a legal permit to use marijuana for medicinal reasons and go to an authorized doctor, I didn't get it. If there was important discovery that was sent to that box which I claimed I didn't receive, I really wasn't lying because I didn't get it. If I was supposed to get any important information at that box, I remember getting a few things, but I remember I had complained about NOT GETTING all of my mail.

Oh, and by the way, guess what I discovered about P.O. Box 1115? While post office workers claimed there was no record I ever had this box, by the time that I found I HAD the key and tried it out to see if it worked, they had shut that box down and it was locked. I would love to know if it was every issued out to anyone after me as I was told it had been and was "no longer available".

I wanted to pay for the same box so I had consistency in my address and where I received mail, even if I was missing some mail, I was trying to establish ONE address. Also, the fact that I was trying to get the SAME box, shows I was not trying to "steal" a key. I thought I had really lost it and I wanted the same box regardless. So I was trying to PAY for a longer time with that box.

I think the criminals around here are pretty tied in with those who wear so-called badges or have little ID tags around their necks and licenses. Funny how someone can even get a "license" to kill and do whatever they want. Or a license to experiment and cause harm and it's all for the "greater good". Even kidnap someone's child and try to put an official stamp on papers to claim it's "legal".

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