Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Kind Of Remedy?

I am seriously wondering what the legal remedy is, if the U.S. isn't going to get someone in to intervene.

First, my son was removed on improper grounds or when I faced trumped up charges and a false arrest in Canada (which I partly blame on some of them and partly on some U.S.).

Then, I had no legal help. A case that never should have "been" became an actual case when I was deprived of discovery in timely manner and then the state won by default. Default.

A "default" win on a case that had no legs to begin with. How does win a default on an illegal kidnapping resulting from false arrest?

Ever since, state workers have pitted my family against me, and promised to look after my son if my family basically turned their backs on me. My family believed their reassurances. However, now I know more about my family too, and why Kyle Flick, their lawyer, wouldn't help me. It was a conflict of interest.

Then, I have had state workers going out of their way to be directly involved in keeping me OUT of housing, out of work, and have their friends making false reports against me. The Judge AND state workers have had ONE opportunity to slam me, and only through false reports about the content of my visits with my son.

I told the court, I look at these reports and I am not without "insight"--I read them and think the woman they refer to in these reports is totally nuts, scary, paranoid, badgering her son about injuries all the time, and is slightly bizarre. I would also think my son was losing steam on his affection with me.

When Anne took over after Sue, Anne wrote the same things Sue did, making false reports and claims and twisting things in a way that they knew would make me sound as though I had serious issues. They also omitted anything good. THEN, Anne began to INCLUDE bruises or comments by my son about not being happy with the Avilas or whatever, so Anne began to take a new path to prepare for, upon termination of MY parental rights, WHIPPING IT AROUND to then SLAM my aunt and uncle and family.

I'm quite sure there are a lot of desperate families who would like to take my son entirely away and adopt him for themselves. I had a few offers from people in the community, even lawyers' wives, before I had even delivered.

The state cannot keep a child who was illegally taken to begin with.

Here I am, busting my ass to even get "services" that they know I never needed. The state chose to not even deliver expedient SERVICES in a reasonable and timely manner!

Who the FUCK do I sue first? if my son is not returned to me and a serious good-faith effort does not begin now?
If I was falsely arrested in Canada (I can prove it), then I think the United Nations is the only place to go, possibly. It became a two-country problem. I was falsely arrested in Canada, however, after the U.S. defamed me to Canada in such a manner they felt they had to cooperate, OR some of it was just set up against me to begin with. Most people in Canada are wonderful. I ran into a few who hated me as much as some of the Americans here in a more local area however, and I wondered why. How the hell did THEY, know me enough, to put it in my face and harass me?

So I think, the first place is to appeal if I have to, if for some crazy reason the Judge rules FOR termination.

I would be shocked if he does, because there are a lot of really good reasons NOT to as the state was not able to prove they were diligent in providing TIMELY services. It wasn't my fault that they took SO fucking long. They did not even HAVE evidence they'd set up some of the services the Judge ORDERED. Eight months? and no neurological appointment anywhere? Were they ever interested in helping reunite my son with his mother? or was it "too late" as everyone said, after some point when they just decided to sit back and do NOTHING. So anyway, they didn't prove their claims. They kept trying to cite the federal law. Over and over, these state workers wanted to put all the blame on federal law and they've made a big deal about cancelling my son's appointments over "federal holidays" as well.

If I do "psychic viewing" for anyone, it will not, at this point, be for the U.S. And believe me, I am very interested in being trained, in a professional way, to do more or learn more, with a fair-small compensation. As long as I couldn't be accused of "espionage" and instead have it be more experimental or scientific. So far, there's been a lot of "take" by the U.S. govt., from me, and very little "give" or compensation for what I do and have been through. My son shouldn't be involved at ALL.

The U.S. has allowed a lot of their shitty psychic viewers to do terrible things to my son and to have access to both me and my son which I have not and would not have consented to, if I'd known who they were connected to from the start.

I'm sorry, but almost every single person in this entire state claim re. my son is U.S. military affiliated along with being govt. affiliated. I found out the Judge isn't military and that's about it. Even the CASA man is former military. And most of those involved, go to the same church too. What are the odds? or, if not 1 congregation, it seems, 2 and that's it. And I think I have a right to wonder.

So, if it's Canada and the U.S., it must be some kind of international matter or case that might be brought before some governing body. I believe it is mainly the fault of the U.S., for the slander, but I do know the Canadians who were involved knew it was trumped up and false arrest. They knew. I KNEW. I saw the law they cited and it didn't fit and was a lot of b.s. It was an excuse to justify why they decided to "cooperate" and "coordinate" with the U.S. I've never really detailed exactly what happened with that arrest have I? or cited the law THEY cited? and what the circumstances were...No, I have not Any normal person would conclude the same thing I concluded. It was a fully bogus arrest. However, it was THE ONLY way to get me back over the border and justify what they did with my son. If they arrested me, even if charges were dropped, (and, by the way, I was told I COULD 'stay' in Canada but it would be withOUT my son), I would have to go back across the border for my son.

The Canadian immigration man told me that if I wanted to, I could stay in Canada as long as I wanted to, and, he said, plenty of "mentally ill people" do, but that if I wanted my son, I had to go back to the U.S.

Canada used their own police even, to pretend that they were "helping" me and my son, and they tried to pressure me to go on medications, and then turned me over to the social workers right when I had found REAL friends who were willing to put us up, vouch for us, and extend our stay as long as we liked. God provided the perfect situation for me and my son, through a kind business owner, and yet because of what the U.S. did, in slandering me, they sent their police out to keep us under their thumb and turn us in like Judas Iscariot when they were "ready". It was sick. My son and I were NOT there illegally when we were separated. I even spoke with Queen's Counsel (a Canadian lawyer) about it and he said I was there LEGALLY and had a RIGHT to be there, by LAW.

What was interesting though, is that the same family that took me and my son to the Queen's Counsel, then turned around and turned me and my son in because they were connected to police--the OTHER man I met, a business owner, was a true gentleman and willing to assume full responsibility for our stay while we were there.

It was the police family/border patrol that turned us over. Now I know a lot more about why. Because it was never a "special situation" to begin with but a way to stall for time on behalf of the U.S. so they could get their paperwork in order.

However, like I said, I DID meet some REAL and very true, "friendly" Canadians who shocked me with the level of their warmth and kindness.

And so, in general, are there good people in Canada? YES. Very good people. There are good people here too and in the area but they know they're outnumbered by a lot of walking rich and corrupt assholes. Or assholes who answer to other assholes.
SO! I am wondering WHO is able to "right" this kind of a case?

Is it "civil" or is it also international law? I don't know. I am not sure which angle is best to hit at.

One thing I WILL do, is fully explain the circumstances of our "stay" in Canada and how I came to be arrested and what the excuses were.

I know I've had some very high end professionals and govt. workers tell me it was the work, mainly, of one or two religious group(s). So I would like to find out who was involved in doing the most harm in Canada and find out whether this is true or not.

On the other hand, I like to think some of the most religious, would have cared enough about the suffering of a child to back down and want to help. So maybe a few changed their minds over time. I don't know.

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