Saturday, July 31, 2010

images & "we're getting married" & mind reading instance

I just got a really quick flash of an image of Jennifer Godfrey. I wasn't trying to. I was thinking about my case and different people involved and I got a flash of something white that she is wearing or was wearing. Something jangly about it or fringe or jangly or something...i don't mean bells jangly but hanging in a jangly way. At first I thought it was a necklace with white rhinestone or something white on it but then I thought fringe or some white article of clothing. It was moving.

I also got an impression of something about someone else, a man, to me. "we're getting married" but I don't know about who or what or in what context, with whom, said to whom, or to me and I have no idea who and I can't say I AGREE either without knowing who it would be. maybe it was said about 2 others getting married an dwas an announcement. I got it different though.

I just cracked up laughing because then I thought "I need to clarify that one right away, because I just wrote about Jennifer Godfrey wearing white and then I wrote about getting married."

It has NOTHING to do with HER
I also had an impression today of ketchup with a grilled cheese sandwich. I NEVER, not once in my life have I ever wanted ketchup with grilled cheese and I've never thought about it either. Right after I had this thought, of ketchup with my grilled cheese, this man eating with me said, "Do you want some ketchup with your sandwich?" and picked up the ketchup.

I said to him, "I was just thinking about ketchup with my sandwich!" and added, "No thanks, but I did think about it."

Instead, for the first time in my life, I asked for thousand island and ranch sides and dipped my sandwich in these. I have never before done this with grilled cheese.

So the whole ketchup idea, with grilled cheese, at the same time I was thinking about it, was more than uncanny. It was that either he got my sender stuff or I got his. I am not sure which. But it was strange because never in my life have I even considered using ketchup on grilled cheese. So it was unusual.

He said he was in the Navy for 8 yrs. Probably did some kind of psychic stuff. Who knows. Or I am reaaaally somehow psychic and moreso than I know.

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