Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Lawyer Will Be Rich

Well, here's a true story.

My lawyer may end up very rich. Very, very, rich.

See my comment posts for "CPS Jurisdiction" and for "Police do Illegal Search and Seizure". I listed all the facts for domicile and jurisdiction and when the case was filed.

There are grounds for an incredible civil lawsuit and I have evidence for a lot of it.

I would settle for having my son back in an expedient manner, and would be willing to waive some rights to sue for damages from all of this, only dependent upon the satisfactory manner in which the rest of this case proceeds. On the other hand, maybe my lawyer would disagree and would want to go for something. I don't know. I know it's an excellent case.

My discovery will be even better. I believe there are even more things to find that I do not yet know about.
Rich, only in civil suit.

Custody or CPS is different of course. But the outcome of one will affect the other.
I think my only real question is about if they feel they had grounds later, or facts sufficient, but even my public defenders said all the State had was a messy house and that did not constitute bad parenting.

The State then brought in their own "experts" who were lousy and who were crumbly on the stand, and the main thing they did was get visitation monitors who wrote a lot of lies. Their own motives are very transparent when the facts of how my son was improperly removed are revealed. It's been a huge CYA case.

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