Saturday, July 17, 2010

Looking For Work & IRS "Letter"

I am still trying to get unemployment but with obviously, no help.

So I saw there was a job opportunity but I couldn't interview because he said he had to hire someone on the 26th of this month, which would leave exactly 1 week for the State to cut me off of GAU and then this guy could claim I didn't work out and fire me and I'd end up with less than $250 for a week's work when I have to file for appeal or who knows what, if necessary, for my son.

No, I do not trust the people in this town. If I didn't see how it could be set up against me, I'd take the job but this man wasn't willing to hire me after the 1st, when I get paid through GAU and then allow me to work and take my chances.

If I could have started after the 1st, I'd have the GAU pay and then if I was hired and fired, I'd have a month to scramble for something else. But I cannot be screwed out of any kind of pay before the end of this month and I can't go for "high risk yields" when this is a time to be as fucking conservative as possible and safeguard against any potential set-back or set-up.

Because I've had so many people "trespassing" me from places of service and doing really lousy things, I have no reason to believe an offer for work is legitimate, esp. if it's coming at a crucial time when I need a tiny bit of money to file things if I have to.

I could get hired at $9/hr for 30 hours and work 1 or 2 days and be fired and I would have less than $100 and then someone would say I was working so I was fit to work and ineligible for disability for migraine. So I would lose getting paid on the 1st and also work just a day or so and be screwed.

That is HOW bad it is here. Trust is earned and I have no reason to believe someone is an exception to the rule unless they really show me and prove this over time.

So, I am looking at options still, but I cannot work before the 1st because I MUST have the GAU as security for filing what I may need to file. I am also looking for better pay than $9/hr, but we'll see.

I want to go back to college, but the Skillsource people blocked me out of getting some of the basics done.

So I would have taken the job, and interviewed to take it, if it allowed me to start after the 1st. I need to have reassurance, in this "economy" that I will have something at the end of the month, even if it's almost nothing, to fight with. I could have worked even one day, on the 26th and if someone says it's not working out, I could be fired the same day. I would walk away with $90 before deductions. I just can't risk it.

So I did ask him first, if I could start after the 1st if I were hired and he said no, so it's out.

I have ONE chance to file for appeal if I have to.

I am still looking at other work options or disability stuff review. I get migraines, but I've had them coinciding with different times.


  1. when you get assistance from Washington state you are not required to report changes until the 10th of the following month, so if you started working in July, you would have to report it by August 10th, it would not effect your July benefits.

  2. you can work and get GAU, a lot of people do, the State will count 1/2 of your income so you can make under $678 a month and still get some grant and your medical. You just have to report the income and can't make over 2 x's the monthly grant amount.
