Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wenatchee's Parrot-Speak: "It's Time to Leave" and "Watch Out"

I just realized something today.

When wondering where Michelle Erickson got the term "Watch out" over and over, in connotation with me, I suddenly recalled how I was the victim of a hit-and-run where the driver and passenger yelled "Watch Out" to me and then the Wenatchee police refused to follow up.

The Wenatchee police claimed they couldn't find a match to the driver's license that I provided, which is BS. The truth is, it probably leads back to someone Michelle knows or a state worker.

The other thing is that I looked up Susan Adams, who was the Skillsource manager who was trying to obstruct me from services and she is affiliated with other child services groups in the town so most likely is friends with CPS or Children's Home Society or CASA workers. She would be doing them a favor with cutting me off and trying to claim I did anything wrong. She gave me this little post it note where she wrote "It's time for you to leave" when she was standing right there and had no need to write a note with that on it. I wonder if she is connected to any doctors or medical professionals or, gosh, lawyers in the town. I don't know what religion but I think she's maybe Free Methodist and they run the Central Washington Hospital along with the Catholic church here. That's the hospital where my son was harmed.

Anyway, yeah, Wenatchee police care a lot about me. You can tell when they allow a hit and run to go by without even wanting to take a report at ALL. I think those plates turn up just fine.

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