Saturday, July 17, 2010

photos of my ankles/calves (to contrast against swollen legs)

I took photos of my ankles to contrast with how blown up my legs were when I posted the photos showing how my legs were swelling up while I had technology stuff happening which affected my heart and caused burning. This happened at 1900 Skyline Dr., Wenatchee, Washington 98801.

I weigh more NOW than I did then. So my ankles and legs should be thicker but I haven't had this technology stuff happen for a short while and they went back down to normal.

The photos above are one of my ankle from the side and foot and then one a couple of angles, straight ahead and down, and as you can see, my calves and ankles are very slim. However, in the photos when my legs were swollen up, you cannot even see the bones of my ankles at all and my calves are red besides.

My legs never swell up. Not even if I'm walking all day, as I do, or sitting all day. The only time they got bad was in pregnancy when it was normal to have edema, and then when my body began to show outward signs of what kind of literal torture was being done to me, and the same things were happening to my son at the same time. This was when I had a laser mark on my cheek too, after standing by the window and was at the time I had something happen when I was hiking with the dog and then suddenly felt like I'd been tazered when this plane passed, but it could have been from any point, and got naseous and had a deep and sudden throbbing sensation in my stomach.

Very bad things have happened to me and my son, and so far, I have not seen the U.S. doing anything they should be doing to intervene, so this indicates they are directly involved and supervising or have knowledge and approve or let it occur.

The phone number I called, to get information about Eric Holder's office or to make a complaint, may have been a generic DOJ hotline. It was the phone number listed on the page for Eric Holder so it may not have been his direct office. But I called and it was deleted and told me "deleted" while I was leaving the message, and then it was disconnected before any time passed for leaving a real message.

I have not reported anything to the FBI at all, except for trying to report things when I was in Seattle and Bainbridge.

Some of the individuals I've listed as doing things in this town, harass me and find out where I am and follow me around or show up when I'm at a location first, and I just avoid them. They haven't dared to try what they were trying in the past anymore. It hasn't happened.

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