Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Morning

I woke up right before 5 a.m. this morning, before the alarm went off, and felt a sad or heavy vibe. Not from me, but that sense of something being wrong.

Yesterday I was at the library in the morning and one of the main lawyers for the Davis Arneil firm came in and smirked at me. One of the older partners.

Anyway, this morning I could tell something was a little different, or weighty with someone. It was a "bad" vibe but something different. In a way, bad, so I wondered about my son, what was going on, but then thought maybe it was about something else.

This morning I decided to go ahead and take photos of my ankles, which I kept forgetting to do, to be able to contrast with when my heart was having problems and it wasn't natural but triggered by other things, and my legs started to swell up. I wanted comparison photos to show how normally my ankles are very bony and much smaller than the rest of my leg, so it emphasizes how badly my legs were swollen.

I haven't had problems lately, with the former things, which is really strange. I am not sure why it would be all the time and then just quit. I am not so sure it's quit with my son though, because he is unable to articulate what is happening to him.

I filled out an employment application recently and said, in the section for military, that I was in the "Army and other" from 1989-2010 and discharged for "Unofficial reasons" with rank of "Corporal" and reason was I didn't want my son or me to be a guinea pig and my parents had been through enough. Of course, I had talked to the manager first and said, joking, that I'd taken liberties with the military section and he laughed and said it was fine. I sat there for a minute, thinking, if I had a rank, what would it be? and "corporal" came to mind, not knowing where that is in the line-up. What I did recall, after I wrote it down without thinking first, is that it refers to the latin word for "The body" and both my son and I have suffered physically because of others. What was even stranger was that I was sitting there and trying to look up the phone number for my former workplace at The Post Pub and instead I kept getting "Command Post: Quantico, Virginia". It wasn't pullling up the normal things. Normally, if one types in "The Post Pub" they will get, through google, listings for this.

I have had a lot of people tell me I will "never see" unemployment money and I have wondered if all of this obstruction, from state and federal groups (unemployment offices, and IRS and a number of other ones) is because this pub is a shell company for the CIA or the Pentagon or something. I am not sure why it is this difficult and why this many military persons or govt. workers would go out of their way to keep me from getting my W-2 or benefits from this company.


  1. Requirements for unemployment:
    * You must have 680 hours of covered employment in your base year to meet the initial requirements to qualify for a claim. You must also have wages in Washington in order to file your unemployment claim against the state of Washington.
    * You need to give us the reason you became unemployed. You are probably eligible if your employer laid you off for lack of work. We have to make a decision about your eligibility if you voluntarily quit your job, were fired or suspended by your employer, or are on a leave of absence. We will get information about your separation from both you and your employer. Both you and your employer have an opportunity to respond to each other's version of the separation. We will then issue a written decision based on the information we gathered.
    * After you file your application for unemployment benefits, you must start filing your weekly claims. You need to file each week, even if you are:
    * Waiting for a decision about benefits, Waiting for your claim to become valid, or Appealing a denial of benefits.
    File each week that you want to claim benefits and continue to file until you go back to work, run out of benefits or stop looking for work. You must claim at least one week before we can make a decision on your eligibility.
    Q. How do I file a claim if I did not work in Washington state?
    A. As of January 11, 2009, you cannot file a new Washington state unemployment claim if you did not work in Washington during the base year. The only exception to this rule is if you were in the military or worked for the federal government. To file an unemployment claim, you must file your claim with one of the state(s) where you worked in the last two years. Contact each state where you worked to find out your claim options for those states.
    To file an unemployment claim, you need to apply to three different places a week.
    If you have been doing this, you MIGHT get unemployment. My son worked at the same place for 7 years and was refused unemployment, and the place fired him.

  2. Oh, I mention CIA or Pentagon shell company and problems with WA unemployment and the federal IRS and I get a letter about how to qualify.

    I'm not an idiot and neither is the public. I have gone by these same guidelines since last JUNE. I filed my claim before new changes were in place and I have enough hours and wages when they are combined.

    I fit into all the guidelines. For a YEAR, there has been ONE PROBLEM and that is that the WA state unemployment officers dropped the ball on my claim and even deleted information and then I now have discovered the IRS has done the same.

    WHY do I have U.S. military telling me "You'll never see any money from them--you may as well get a job."

    I have had the IRS even lying to me for months and there is no cause for this unless someone really doesn't want me to know what "The Post Pub" is actually about and what kind of "employee" I may have actually been.

    Maybe federal employees and govt. employees go by different unemployment monies guidelines.

    I know that I have done everything I was told to do,and that is required by law, for over a year and the only people interferring have worked for the government and are either gangsters working in govt. positions or just pure assholes.

    There is no excuse for fraud by the IRS and no excuse for WA state unemployment offices dropping the ball on my claim repeatedly.

    The IRS told me they were sending out a letter to the Post Pub to have them re-send my W-2 and then I found out there is no documentation and it was never done.

    All of these things have directly affected my ability to get my SON and if anyone in the U.S. thinks I will ever work for the U.S. in any capacity, they are wrong. They are also wrong to think I'm going to be motivated to be a lawyer for the U.S. and are also wrong to think I am going to be pressured to give up my fucking EGGS as some have pushed me to do, in order to even get normal housing in this state.

    This is the fault of the state and federal governments because there would otherwise not be such a coordinated effort to screw me out of a normal income to be able to be Pro Se or support my son.

    Guess why the head of the Davis Arneil firm was lurking about in the library yesterday, smirking at me? because he knows if my rights to my son are terminated, no one will SUE THOSE BASTARDS for what happened to my son in childbirth.

    It will be worse, in the end, to be sued over criminal charges.

  3. I tried to write a response but how funny that it was disconnected when I attemped to explain what happened

  4. Now, in trying this last one, it went through without a problem. No disconnection.

    The CIA or Pentagon likely used The Post Pub as a shell corporation because there is no other reason for all the problems with getting my unemployment from them. I wouldn't be having problems with the WA state employment and with the IRS lying about sending a letter when they didn't.

    I meet all the requirements and know what is needed and have known for a YEAR when I applied in JUNE of last YEAR.

    This affects my ability to have an income to support myself Pro Se legally or my son and directly affects custody of my son.

    Which may be why the head partner of the Davis Arneil firm was lurking about the library yesterday, smirking at me, because he knows if my rights to my son are terminted, HIS CLIENTS, the medical professionals, cannot be sued for damages my son got from childbirth.

    It will worse to be sued on criminal grounds. I also know the U.S. knows what is going on and has a responsibility to me and my son after what they put us through.

    I'm not going to work for the U.S., and I'm not going to be pushed into being a lawyer for the U.S. I am also not going to allow these people to force me out of everything so they can do the shadiest thing of all and try to get my EGGS by telling me it's the only way to get my hands on any money.

    Probably, to pay federal or government employees unemployment, the rules are different so maybe that's why all of these government workers have been involved.
