Sunday, July 18, 2010

Machinery & Other Incidents (my cooking)

I only post this to joke that it must be the implant in my neck.

I was in the women's restroom today and this woman was next to me and trying to get the paper towel dispenser to work and she kept waving her hand in front of it and under and it wouldn't work and she commented out loud, "that's our place you just wave your hand..." and then we were talking about it and she moved to let me use it finally worked after I put my hand under it. Then, she looked at me and I was next and had my hand in front and it came out fine, even though it wasn't working that way before.

I swear, this happened with me and the lawn mower all the time when I was a kid. But usually it just broke down at my first pissed off try and I was spared from having to mow the lawn and no one wanted me around their machinery.

Oh SHOOT. Dumb me. I was GOING to apply to be a train operator. Shhhh. I think everything will be just fine. I've been able to get at least a few things to start working when they're not working before, so that's good.

It did cross my mind though, as the woman left the restroom, some kind of sci-fi scenario where I have a microchip in my neck that the govt. automates at will and uses to dismantle technology. Not seriously, like I really believe this, but it crossed my mind-because-i-have-an-active-imagination way.
My cooking experiment: big failure. It wasn't just the mixture of spinach with brocolli, but the mix up of paneer cheese with cheddar with parmesean, and then the dual grains of pasta shells and rice. Sort of a real mish-mash. I ate it anyway. It was gross. It tasted like the earth. Like dirt and grass.

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