Sunday, July 18, 2010

Criticism of Prince William's Love Shack

I tried to get my injunction out in a better manner, but it was really the best job I could do and I had to explain. I will have to back it up with real mail and signature because I don't think it's sufficient but it should be, given this position.

I also looked at a few jobs out of area tonight because I cannot imagine things will improve here and I have also started looking at a few other options for college as well, not sure.

Today I stepped out and every single person and their mother was in red, white, and black as if we were doing some kind of UK theme. I suppose this is because I blogged about a broach or mentioned the Queen? I do not get it.

I looked up headlines quickly, of main persons but only found something about Harry and about William. The Harry line I'm not surprised by--this Katie Price news. The William news I am sort of surprised by.

Privacy is very important but I don't agree with taking out a private cottage while one is serving in the military "like everyone else". Especially not at the taxpayers expense. It's one thing if you're paying for it yourself, but to go into the military to "not be treated any differently" and then ask for a private cottage is a contradiction. I think, either be a part of the military and tough it out, or drop out. It makes William look spoiled.

I can see only a couple of excuses for it: serious hazing by other military to the point of endangerment, or even true and serious harm from distress, or a private place for chemotherapy and ongoing medical treatment.

Unless William needs a secure place for going through chemo or some kind of medical treatment, I don't believe it should be at taxpayer expense. Another good reason would be very serious harm by hazing, however, in photos at least, he is looking robust.

The third potential reason, though not an excuse, might be if Kate were newly pregnant but even then, to spend time with her, this is not physical or emotional endangerment that necessitates a private cottage.

I really do not think this was a good PR move. Seriously, if it were due to medical reasons, it would make sense. Or if the harassment was so bad one had to be drugged up on medications and couldn't fly, it would be appropriate. But how it appears, by outward appearances, is that while all the other guys, some with much higher seniority, are making sacrifices and are away from friends, home, and family, Prince William gets to rent the Love Shack. Even at his OWN expense, it's frivolous, but at taxpayer expense, in the economy that still exists, it isn't smart.

If you didn't want what comes with the military, you shouldn't have signed up. I never really thought William was the military type anyway, but he chose to "turn down the lights" and forego ribbon cutting duties to get some backbone with military service. If you don't like it and what goes with it, drop out. No one forces someone to do what they don't want to do. I thought it was William who said, in a clip, or maybe Harry, who said something about not wanting to be treated like pansies. I don't remember the exact phrase, but I remember that.

Where's the link to that song "Love Shack"?

I don't know who gave him this bad advice.

Here's the link I wanted, from a "Valentine LOW" entitled "We Just Want To See Military Action". Really. Just want to see "military" "action". My ass. :

The bit about not wanting to be "mollycoddled":

I guess the only other reason would be to do Wedding Planning, which is great, but if it takes up that much time and requires an off-site location, I don't think it's fair to either the UK public or the military.

Harry should be King.

Well, I guess there's Charles, but I am really beginning to wonder. Not about Charles but about a LOT of things.

The things I DON'T say or write. God knows!

Now I'm starting to wonder if one of my impressions was right. I mean, if Michelle Erickson and people think I knew where she lived and that I had "surveillance" on her when all I saw was psychic images, then maybe my images of others have been close to home and caused someone to think I have tangible knowledge of things.

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