Saturday, July 31, 2010

Man With Intimidation 813 TWD

I just saw a man who I saw several months ago. He kept following me around at various places. An older white man with white/balding hair. He'd had cancer of the throat and talks different.

He was following me around at a sale that was put on by a woman's housing place, and I was helping out at it. He kept setting out book titles with scary things featured, and dropping things that had to do with babies around me. He put "The Ten Justices" on the top and told me what was I going to do when the snow fell?

I said what did he mean and he kept telling me I might want to move out of town. And then he would say things about how snow would be on the ground, just like that one winter or Christmas when my sno was taken from me and then he was talking about electronics going off.

He did this winking thing with a couple of the workers who were there, 2 who harassed me as well. One was the woman who kept saying "Keep swimming" and the other was really weird and recently approached me.

Basically, it was either real and he is connected to creepy things or it was scare tactics. Why should he care?

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