Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sun & Weather Prediction Accurate

The weather here has been sort of crazy again. Hail, sun, rain, sun, lightening...

And today drizzling and off and on sun and then rain and clouds for a long time.

I made a prediction to this man who took me to Denny's this afternoon, that the sun was going to come out again and the rain dry up and it was all cloudy then. I had told him it would take a little time but would come out. A half hour later, major rain and clouds just drizzle.

Then, voila! Sun. Like I said, and at the same time I got off the bus and began to walk outside, and everything cleared up to bright sun. Some clouds but sun.

1 comment:

  1. You are a Fucking Crazy Obnoxious Psycho (NOT PSYCHIC!!!) Bitch!!!!!
