Friday, July 16, 2010

Motion From "Holly Golightly" to the U.S. Federal Courthouse

I did send something to the federal courts today and they told me it just had to be in pdf format. They didn't say it had to be done any other way. Just pdf and to their email address for new cases.

So I sent it, and the case number, as an electronic file but I don't think it worked and I think I had people lie to me. I think to electronic file now, it has to be scanned in. But I had the court in federal court in Spokane saying it was fine to just email anything pdf but then I thought, "how does one verify the signature?" so I tried anyway, before 3 p.m.

Then it was also coming from the email box of "Holly Gellatly" because this bitch at the library kicked me off of the computer and cut me off in the middle of my Motion. I would have otherwise sent it from my own email address. The guy was wearing a fucking shirt that said "London" on it.

And I'm sure that this wasn't a set-up. Of course not. I go from the bitch Courtney "Tiffany" to the offices next door of "Holly Gellatly". I tried to do it from the Guiamarro offices and people said I could and all they wanted was to say yes, Ms. Garrett came in and collect their fucking money. Someone called in, set-up ahead of time, and told me they were sorry but couldn't allow me, afterall, to get this thing to the federal court. I was sitting there and then totally interrupted. I said, "Okay, can I at least print out or make notes of something?" and they said yes I could but it would be fast. So I pulled up the first thing about preliminary injunction and it was 21 pages long so I pulled it up, but this was all a bunch of BULLSHIT.

All of a sudden, after the Friday is over, and I have no hope of getting an injunction into federal court on time, all of a sudden the Rivercom people treat me like I'm a special nutcase call and want to talk about all kinds of stupid things and then tell me "Oh yeah, we have civil stand-by" which is what I have been requesting for over 2 months. Told I have to file an order when I don't. All they had to do was stand-by and they refused, to stall for time until it didn't really matter if I had my records or not.

I need records to contest the fucking illegal medication of me which they thought I never figured out. I want to see the records and hear the audio recordings which I was prevented from hearing.

If I EVER get any real evidence of this happening, I will sue so hard, it will feel like landing on a glacier when it hits. I am not kidding. For what my son and I have been through, I will be going for every single thing that I can go after. It's not like I haven't noticed a shift in behavior at different times, that has nothing to do with me, but with what others think I believe or what they know is going on.

It will hurt, to lose that much money and credibility.

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