Friday, July 16, 2010

Why I Don't Want To Be A Lawyer

The biggest reason for not wanting to be a lawyer is because you have to practice alongside a bunch of total idiots until you get to the Supreme Court.

I don't blame non-trained lay-people for not taking "critical thinking" or any kind of logic or debate class. It does take a refining to understand distinctions and the difference between fine points. Some people grasp it right away and others don't. I also think those who are more moved by feeling allow their emotions to get in the way of actual facts and logic.

However, today, what Judge Nakata did, was something that makes you wonder what the problem is. It's one of two things: either ignorance and poor skills, or an intentional railroading throough the system without regard for the law and logic or anyone's real rights.

This town is constantly in trouble, and needs major "enforcers" to beat the hell out of people, because they have a justice system that runs on gossip and prejudice and has very little basis in facts or investigation.

Then, I am trying to make a complaint to police about a librarian, for harassemnt or obstruction of justice, and I personally know what the distinction is. But I don't expect others to get it unless I lay it out, and even then I wonder who really gets it and who is just claiming ignorance.

Courtney Tiffancy had a chip on her shoulders against me ever since I saw her. I do not now what her personal issues with me are. But from the start, she and another woman, who is more emotional, would do really bizarre things to keep me from even checking books out or getting services. L, was sometimes acting in an impulsive emotional way s I figured at some time something I said affected someone she knew. ut then Courtney, has been right there at the helm, trying to keep me out of services and acting like a fucking spy every time I turn around. Not only that, but pointig out things to others to try to cause problems for me.

I did NOT report her to police when she refused to give me a library card. I had to go to her supervisors. But even then, it was very odd, because my lawyer at the time, Justin Titus, was trying to keep me from having a library card to, which is bizarre. I guess they figured if I could access the library, I had access to a printer and could get somewhere with that, in the legal system.

SO I didn't report her to police then because that would be ridiculous. It's a matter to be handled by her supervisors. Obviously.

So today, when I reported her to the police, it was not because "Courtney kicked me off of the computer." It was because she went beyond what a normal librarian would do, and was cutting me off from making a motion to be filed and serviced in federal court on THIS day. She KNEW what I was doing, and the fact that she went OUT of her way to block me from making this motion, indicated something is very wrong with her and her motives.

Going out of ones way to block someone and obstruct them from filing a federal court claim is like cutting someone off when they're on a call to the police for an emergency (actual).

It wasn't that she was just being obnoxious or excersizing a right to terminate my "computer privileges" as if I were a kid, it was that she knew the only way for me to potentially print something out to file it, or to electronically file, would be this way and she KNEW what I was doing and went out of her way to go to a computer and without a word to me, cut me off.

I had every legal and normal library right to be on that computer, and it wouldn't have been a big deal if I'd just been blogging or looking up puppies and butterflies. It was a big deal because she KNEW I was attempting to access a legal remedy and she deliberately obstructed my ability to get this done.

THAT is the difference.

SO when the cop comes out and it looks odd, that I'm reporting a librarian for cutting me off of a computer, yeah, said that way, it sounds odd.

But whereas I would NOT make any report about being denied a library privilege and would take it to a supervisor, what was different in this situation was her willful and knowing act of interferring with a federally protected right, when she had to literally discriminate against me in order to severe my access to this right.

So I told police I'm sure she'll claim I harassed her or someone will now try to "trespass" me from the library. What's interesting, is that I have local townsfolk "Trespassing" me from public offices that recieve goverenment monies. NOT because I have done anything wrong or have harassed anyone, but because they have atempted to BLOCK me from accessing the normal course of the system and when I complain or report on it, they want to flip it back and lie to say I harassed them and I cannot use services.

On one hand, some idiot probably told them it's a great idea, to try to ban me from things and make it not look like they're starting it and setting it up. To tell me "it's time for you to leave" and "I'm calling the cops!" when this far surpasses even the standard for filing an anti-harassment claim and rises to a whole new level of collusion, obstruction of justice, harassment, and intimidation.

On one hand, it is to make me look bad, but the way it's spiraling, the people that look bad, are these people, because it helps me to make a clear and convincing case of deliberate criminal activity in the town.

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