Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Attitude Re. My Son

My son needs to see his mother. It is incredible that the state would even think of disrupting him and his peace of mind to cut off his visits. It is already traumatic that they did what they did.

I believe I can prove, that around the time they kept "missing" and cancelling appointments with him, the State was already setting this up to try to break the bond. In total, at least 30-40 visits were missed because of the State. That's a lot and it was clear to me that they were deliberately reducing visits in anticipation of cutting off his rights to see his mom.

I am not breaking down or dissolving into tears nor am I going to a nuthouse anytime soon. This isn't because what is happening is not traumatic. It is because I am taking the advice of Ivana Trump.

Don't get mad, get even. Don't take it bad, take everything.

If anyone thinks that I am nonplussed and will forget about it and move on or that everything must be "okay" they will be greatly underestimating what is in store for them legally.

I am also not running into the arms of anyone from my past. They lost. They failed the test and folded and it's over. They are on their own.

If anyone thinks I am going to be pressured to take some kind of drastic action or steps, they are also wrong, and they are wrong to think I will stay trapped in the hellhole of Wenatchee.

Should I ever leave, the inevitable is that when I come back, it is for revenge. It is to avenge what has happened, by every available and possible legal means.

The best thing that could have been done, was to return my son and not lie and stall and commit further atrocities. It wasn't a difficult thing and took 10x the energy and resources to screw my son over instead.

I really don't give a fag, so to speak, what has happened to "other people's kids" or about other situations. What I know, is what God's will is and that people subverted this for their own means and I will have revenge, with God's help, because of this. God will have the ultimate vengeance. What happened with my son was incredible and took hard work and effort to create. It is nothing like the cases where a few drugs were involved or where there was unsafe parenting and unfair public defenders. This was different in the level of energy that went into harming me and my son and smearing us and lying. I have never heard of anything like it. This was a case that occured because of politics and religion and little else. My "blog" used as an attack on free speech basically and an attempt to protect doctors and medical insurance companies from a lawsuit by me. It was an attempt by old enemies to try to get back and by newer people to hold me down and keep me from succeeding in any form.

I really don't think the intended effects will be acheived. I am sure someone or some group thinks they know how to try to drive by or drive me down, but they screwed up and miscalculated.

It acheived only a point of provoking me and making me out to be a loser and as if it were my fault.

There may be a lull or calm or period of victory before the storm but when it hits, it isn't going to be much fun for those who were responsible and a part of this. I would then recommend to my enemies to "eat, drink, and be merry" because it isn't over.

Although, how interesting that all the freaky google and blogger ads have disappeared.

It seems to me that some very powerful groups are feeling very content and smug about their success. They don't feel the need to put the effort into malicious and crazy life-and-death ads anymore. I wonder why. Hmmm. What could it be? what could have possibly changed or gone long enough in their favor, that there is no point or they feel secure again?

I mean, it was excessive. And now, not at all? Why not? Is it that someone paid the advertisers and corporations off, or censored them to not harass me with shit? or is it that they don't see the need of spending the money or concentrating their efforts in this way anymore? I highly doubt someone got paid off to quit the harassing ads if I had this termination thing going down. Someone would have used their money to help my legal cause with my son, not to tell off groups to leave me alone on the ad shit.

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