Thursday, July 29, 2010

More Images Of Ann McIntosh & Jennifer Godfrey & Judge Hotchkiss

I got a literal image of Ann on the toilet actually. Not kidding. Just pulling down white or cream colored stockings.

I am sure that's not the color she's wearing today, and not on hot days, but that's what I got. I didn't ask for that impression either, or that image.

The view was straight on. Not from the side.

I should try to think about something about Godfrey, but I already did sort of. I mean, the thing about her child or future childbearing wasn't small. I later wondered if the fair man, the king of cups, if it's not someone from the present, is her son in the future after he's grown.

I just prayed and I am lazy, so it was 5 minutes and not focused and I should be thanking, praising, and worshiping God much more than I do. So I don't know if what I got was completely right, but I got some impressions of Jennifer.

I saw her in a witch hat. Which sounds funny, but like she was once a witch for Halloween and she actually wore a black pointy witch hat for SOMETHING.

I also saw her having sex with someone and I don't know who but she must like to be on top. I saw her from a side angle, in motion. Then what was strange and I couldn't get it exactly was almost like someone pushing up against her butt. She's not slo-mo tho. The phrase "jenny jump-ups comes to mind." maybe that's johnny jump ups. can't remember the name. no, I guess, having just looked, there is such a thing as a jenny jump up. it's just not a flower. For some reason, it's someone bouncing her up and not moving her down. bop bop bop

Then I also saw her on her knees praying or something, over something. Like muslim style, in a way, knees and then lying straight down with arms out.

I also saw something cobalt blue. Something like a bright and sort of medium dark blue. I want to say it was a wall in someone's house. I also saw her washing dishes or vegetables or something in a white porcelain style sink in a kitchen. I do not necessarily believe the wall and the sink are in the same place but it's possible. I saw some kind of washing utensil like one of those things you hold in your hand that has a handle and then the opposite end is sort of a plastic mesh or something. I want to say it was orange or orange somewhere on it.

I saw her next to one of those blow up kiddie pools too. Outside, one with a round bubble style side. Not a hard plastic one and not a really deep one but like a softer blow-up kiddie pool. It maybe had 2-3 levels or steps on the side, but I think at least one part was rounded like a tube that stuck out more than the rest of the pool.

At first I want to say she had this with her son or a child in it but then I either got confused or was getting a second one or just different view because it seemed to be mainly white or clear and then had had colors in it but the main part was either white or clear. I almost want to say I saw pink somewhere in the pool on the outside which is what I wonder about because pink would be girlish and not boy. I feel it was first about her with a child and then maybe secondly something about a friend's pool or her own childhood. I don't know.

I might be wrong about some of it, but these are the things I got in just a few minutes and not super strong but for some reason, the witch hat was very strong and that's when I perked up and quit. But, who knows, maybe it's not right.

I guess I could try to think of more.

I get something about, maybe a naval piercing or someone wanting her to get one or contemplation about getting one.

I got something about "shugah boogah" too.

I have a feeling that this shugah boogah makes someone laugh but I don't know what it's about. if shugah boogah maybe dingle dangle is next.

I closed my eyes again, briefly, and had an impression of Jennifer doing free weights on her arms at some time in her life. Small little weights and curls. She doesn't look the type and I don't imagine she would be, but I got a front view of her doing curls. I could be totally wrong though, because I was wondering if she was athletic and kept sort of getting something about a bike and then right after dismissing the bike thing, just saw her doing small free weight curls. Maybe at one time in her life, she was trying to get into shape.

I also saw something like books or encyclopedias or something in a row. Either a design or actual books, and maybe not in her house but she has been there, where there are very nice crimson books with gold lettering etched in the spine on the cover. All sort of uniform so either antique or a collection of nice books, or encyclopedias or something. One was opened up and out. Might not be with Jennifer though, and might be something else.

I get something about "ciao ciao" in context with her. Or chow-chow. That might be a crossing wire thing though because I was idly thinking of her and this came to mind and could have been an interception of something else.

Something about agrophobia. I had to look it up. Being caught alone in open public spaces. Maybe she hates to be seen by herself and always needs a friend, lover, or kid around so she doesn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe more of an introvert in that regard. I don't imagine she has full blown panic attacks.

That word might also have been a crossed wire. I was looking up tankard and got the word "agrophobia" to mind. Tankard not in connection with Jennifer.

Anyway, I prayed and gave thanks to God, so anything I got right, was because of God, and not me. Thanks to God.

These women came in to do their nurse studies or medical studies here. I wasn't paying attention until now and they're talking about eye stuff. Glaucoma and other eye things. I know I have no interest in being a nurse or doctor. I have no desire to sing anywhere in the U.S. I have no desire to be a lawyer for anyone here. Nothing. You give me nothing and take my son and you get nothing in return. What you get is someone who leaves and comes back to only bring you what you deserve.

Basically, I want my son and without him, no one is going to follow my ass around even in another country, just to keep tabs or to use me in some other way either.

I have no interest in doing anything of service to anyone in the U.S. without my son. Not when I know it was completely preventable. I had someone tell me the other day to be happy I was alive. Really, I don't think there has ever been any cause to harm me or my son to begin with so why should I be content and happy with nothing but the bottom minimum?
Well, all this to say I know I got some things correct or I wouldn't have then had a certain response that I did.

So I guess really, thank you God. I don't now why you even listen to my requests which are sometimes pointless, but thanks for caring enough to help me have a small satisfaction in your goodness and trust in me.

Maybe I'll work on Judge Hotchkiss now
Judge Hotchkiss:

I spent 2 minutes on it. Not very interested right now. I got steak again. He must eat a lot of red meat, in general.

I got something about "dipstick" or "dipshit"--either someone used this word to describe him, or around him and he remembers it well, or he used it.

I also had a symbolic idea of him holding one of his hands behind his back and when I tried to see why I got the idea that it was like he was crossing his fingers in an "I promise" that was false. In some matter, Judge Hotchkiss did not keep his promise to someone or he is like this in general or it is current. Standing with one hand behind his back, fingers pointed down and "I promise". I know doing this while wearing slacks. I want to say while wearing some kind of a beige or light tan suit or something. White shirt and some kind of tan or beige suit.

I think he wears white briefs in general. I'm not settled that this is all though. I think he has his surprise undies. I want to say they have ruffles. Like a nice bright pair of ruffly yellow panties.
Solid color. I wouldn't even be surprised if he has a pair that don't belong to him or to his wife either.

I was just thinking, how easy it is to put ones fingers up in the air for a "peace" sign and then quickly put that same hand behind ones back and cross the same fingers together for "not really".

I want to say he drinks red wine more than white and has attempted playing piano before. Trying to play on some white baby grand or something, or regular one. Also with a temper and slamming a fist down on something.

With some kind of a leather short strap and I don't know what it's for but about 4-6 inches long and wider like as wide as a belt would be. But it's not a belt. It's dark leather and not super refined but somewhat used or rough looking but has a thickness about it, like a thick piece of fruit leather but it's real leather and I have no idea what it's used for.

Hmm, must have hit on something here. So I don't know if it's something that hangs from a keychain like a piece of leather, or if it's something from past or present from other exploits. I don't know what it would be though and was trying to see if there were other marks on it or if it had holes or something and it looks pretty solid. I think it's dark dark brown rather than black but if black a dull black.

What in the world this is and why Judge Hotchkiss has one or was around one, I have no idea.

The screams of children will ring in his ears one night. Hotchkiss is going to be haunted.

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