Thursday, July 29, 2010

Police Did Illegal Search of My Laptop & Technology

I got further confirmation of an illegal search of my laptop. I went to the photos and they were rearranged and in a different format which means they were viewed by someone besides me.

Also, tonight I took a photo of this Christmas tin which some sicko put out on the porch, of frosty the snowman which is something my son loved. People who have wanted to harass me have brought up christmas a lot, because this is when my son was taken or when the horrible things happened more at our address around Christmas. So this business where someone took me through, having set up the whole place to be a freak show, had a tin out for me to find today. Very nuts, and just like the OPB story of this woman who was held hostage wiht her own property and the guy was doing "crazy" stuff. I heard her story and thought, "And this is the stuff I sometimes find almost every day."

So it was when I was going to take a photo of the Christmas tin, that I found my photo stuff had been switched around.

Also, when I was sitting there, someone did something to me that did to my stomach what happened to my heart and it has to be, it sounds nuts, but if it's not satellite, it's something else that is long range. It didn't just affect me, but the building and the building made a noise at the same time it hit me.

The only thing I heard first was someone pulling up in a car to the building next door. However, I didn't see anyone. I have no idea how this happened but it wasn't anything like a "hit" like I once described when I was having seizures.

This is seriously only one of 2 things: gang activity with illicit use of high tech things, or it is police or military stuff. So either it's a not-so-legit "practice", using me as a target, or it is completely illegal and gangster.

Actually, the building made the noise, at a time slightly apart from when it affected me. So either it was 2 things and one hit the building and made noise, or it was somehow a delayed resposne or pre-response in hitting me. I am trying to think of which it was, the noise just slightly before or after. It was strong enough to affect my stomach and would be strong enough to create noise in a building. It wasn't a long noise either. It was short, lasting about as long on the building as it did when it hit my stomach.

The only things I can think of were that first I heard a "click, click, click, click" rhythmic sound from a house next door and kept looking to see what it was. I didn't see anything unusual so I turned my back. Then I heard a car pull up on the other side, to the business next door. Maybe 5 minutes after the car pulled in, and while I was online trying to look up the property details on my laptop to see when modifications or changes were made, it happened.

I had clicked on the details buttons several times and was trying to find any record of changes. I saw that I couldn't use the camera because it wasn't there. So then I was looking for changes to this. I also saw I am not the administrator and have to ask the computer man what this is about because I should be the administrator but I might be doing something wrong.

I had zero effect to my thinking, and it didn't make me flinch. I didn't move at all on the outside except I thought at first that I might fall over from balance. But it didn't hit me in the heart, it was in my stomach and then to the side as well, near my kidney to the left, which I guess was on the same side of that car that pulled up.

The noise to the building, a jolt noise, only lasted as long as it lasted on me, and the noise was only upstairs where I was, not downstairs. It wasn't the whole building. It was a specific spot that made noise in the upstairs part of the building--it wasn't like the whole building shook, it was like it caused a small part ot make noise and that would lead me to believe it is something that targets narrowly and precisely and is not long range.

Now this nurse walked by in a blue get up and smirked and I am sure that this is to imply I'm nuts, but I already know what the important people know and the rest of these assholes can have their lousy admin jobs and go fuck themselves with a dictionary. Actually, around here, dictionaries are looking priiiitty good.

So yes, this happened and I didn't make it up or imagine it. And it did not just affect me once, but either someone aimed somewhere else and missed first, and hit the building, or it has a delayed response going from one thing to the next (which makes less sense to me). It was something just like what affected the heart, in the sense that somehow it affects large muscles or organs, or someone is so talented they know how to have perfect aim for only those spots. It was extremely localized in the diameter of about 3 inches ? all the way around.


  1. Why do you think it is illegal to search a lap top if it was seized due to a lawful arrest?

  2. it was an illegal search and seizure because even if someone is arrested, their personal property is still considered "property" unless it was actually USED in commission of the crime alleged. If I had used my bag to strangle someone, that's evidence. If I had used my laptop to hit someone on the head or to rob a bank, that's evidence. But simply getting too close, allegedly, to a property, while carrying a bag, does not make that bag evidence anymore than the jeans worn are evidence. If someone wanted to be a real idiot, the closest thing to being used for commission of a crime would be wearing a pair of shoes. Shoes were worn for walking to get to the location, so possibly in a weird world, someone could say shoes in that case are evidence.

    Bag and laptop were property and in no way used to violate any law. So if someone wanted to search and try to find something, by law they would have to get a search warrant before they could do this.

    The police thought I had drugs and brought in a K-9 car and took my bag as evidence on assumption and without a legal search warrant. They tried to use one thing to faciliate another thing and it does'nt work like that, not per criminal procedure 101.

  3. I think you should read up on 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment law -- you will change what you think about this post after.

  4. I don't know what you mean. I will change my mind about what aspect of my post? post? or blog? or comment? I don't know which one you're referring to.

    I won't change my mind about illegal search and seizure.

    I also won't change my mind about illegal kidnapping of my son while he was with his legal guardian in Canada, which was our domicile and people knew this so had to trump up and fabricate a charge to arrest me.

  5. wrong jurisdiction.

    The United States had no jurisdiction over taking my child. The State of Washington had no legal jurisdiction.

    We were not in the country.

    The child follows the domicile of the legal guardian. We were in Canada and there legally.

    There was no jurisdiction for jumping the border to then create a false claim against me.

  6. When did CPS begin an investigation concerning your parenting, and when did you leave to Canada. Why did you change your child's name in Canada - were you trying to hide him? And from whom? CPS? What limits were imposed on you to preclude you from taking your son out of WA?

  7. I will say this...

    I know both some of the authorities in Canada and also in the U.S. knew they had some issues.

    Only now do I realize what the issues really are. I couldn't understand why I was being pushed out of the embassy for Canada in D.C. when I went there. This one Canadian woman who was a diplomat in Toronto or something was trying to help, along with this other man and then some other people interfered and told them not to even talk to me.

    Why the gag order unless someone knew they did something wrong and could be legally liable in the future?

    I think this question, about investigation by CPS and other matters, sort of sounds like a question maybe someone from Canada would ask, because most people here know the laws for U.S. Hang on and I'll explain.

  8. In the U.S., an "investigation" means nothing.

    It is not a police investigation. And even if it was, even a police investigation is nothing...absolutely nothing until or unless charges are filed. Investigation is nothing more than questions and surveillance and means there are not enough facts to take court action...and so...

  9. ...So, it is not when the 'case' or jurisdiction begins or starts.

    Jurisdiction has to do with where a case is filed. If there is an investigation pending, even in criminal law, and someone moves to another state, they have a right to do so. It means that new state would take up the investigation.

    But this is not even police, it's CPS and they are not even the same kind of authority.

    Sometimes, people are under investigation and they don't even know it. They can still move to a new area.

    If a state wants to make charges when a person has already left the state, I think someone could say they are "wanted" in that one state where the crime was actually committed. However, there is no "location" of a "crime" when it comes to whether or not a parent is "fit".

    There is no jurisdiction of location at all, until the court documents are filed and then, it has to be in the place of domicile. When the first court petitions were filed, my domicile was Canada.

    There was ZERO court action prior to my departure for Canada and I wasn't "running" from anything. I had a right to go wherever I wanted. If I was "running" it was from being perpetually harassed, NOT because I was guilty of doing something wrong.

    That said...

  10. ...This bit about domicile is what I got out of the appellate cases, book 7.

    ...So, umm, let me think...So I was saying, the jurisdiction was Canada and Canada lawyers and U.S. AG lawyers would have known this already. But of course they tried to pull a fast one. Thanks to God, I think it will be a fast one that eventually works in my favor.

    I was not served with a Protective Order (which is when the first step is made with the State acting as temporary 'guardian' until there is court) until I was across the border--from Canada back to the U.S. I got that Protective Order when I was on the U.S. side of the border.

    Which means the court process and dependency began when I was in Canada, and was improper.

  11. I may have even been served with the Protective Order when I was in Canada still, but I sort of think I got it at the border. I know the Canadians got a copy while I was in Canada and there was no right for Washington to do this.

    Washington State had to buy time to go to court and petition for the Protective Order and get the process started.

    Then, their problem was that I was in Canada and so was my son. No possible way to get us back unless I was set up for a false arrest, by intentional collusion.

  12. ...So that is literally what happened.

    Also, because I had left all of my belongings behind, and because I was there initially for a couple of days to scout it out and then with clear intention to remain, it is clear that my intention, by making medical appointments for my son, and appts with a speech is very clear that our intent was to live in Canada. Therefore, this is the new residence and place of domicile. I had a new address and everything else.

    The jurisdiction was therefore Canada's...

  13. It does not matter that I was initially there for a couple of circumstances changed to the fact that made it clear I was establishing a residency, even if as a "guest" or with "guest status" in the country of Canada.


  14. ...Therefore,
    A. with the State having no court documents filed against me when I was in the State of Washington, and
    B. with my having set up new residency and domicile in Canada, and
    (algebraic number or letter here)
    . having a law where jurisdiction is required to follow domicile,

    The equation is that there was a massive mistake and yet it wasn't a mistake. It was an intentional effort to ignore the law and parental rights and due process, and in doing so, my son was

    and kidnapped

    but of course, not without a little more collusion first to make it "look good". Hey, we'd better arrest her or something or we might have to talk about extradition.

  15. There were no grounds for an "Amber Alert" because my son was lawfully with me.

    He was not kidnapped.

    The only Amber Alert which makes sense, is one againt Washington State and CPS.

    Regarding "limits from CPS to preclude me from taking my son places..." (see next post)

  16. There were NO limitations on me from doing anything or going anywhere with my son.

    To have limits they would have had to go to court and no one ever did because there were NO facts or supporting grounds for it.

    It was not a "high level" "investigation". It only became high level when we tried to leave to start over somewhere else and people didn't like it and didn't want me to be able to prove my and my son's medical damages from childbirth and other gang activity.

  17. Oh my gosh.

    What a cool idea I just had. I wrote a post recently about doing Native American cards and how I got a "squash" for me and these stones for the CPS people and I asked God the question "what will overturn this? or what is the solution?" and I got the card for an upside down AMBER.


    Sidetracked...but still, very cool idea! I love it!

  18. also, following last post about the native american cards and stones, I thought it was funny bc the stone i got for Jennifer Godfrey was obsidion, which is a black stone, and I saw her in black.

    this is feeling like da vinci code via God.

  19. your other questions, who cares whether I used my son's real name or not? given all the harassment I had in the U.S., if I wanted to go to another place and use an alias, I had a right to do so. I had the right to protect my son. As long as I wasn't doing anything illegal or answering a legal form with an alias, it is legal to give others a different name.

    There was no charge of any kind, against me. Nothing.

    Which is why SOME Canadians were freaking out wondering what in the world was going on. They thought I had a warrant out for my arrest or something and I was always saying no!

  20. Anyway, I think I answered all of your questions.

    Basically, I asked my first public defender to get the records from Canada and told him I thought they had to extradite me and I didn't realize how I was being set up and how this was against the law and against process. But I was trynig to get discovery and no one would help me. If they had, it would have been over in a matter of months.

    I also brought up my medical malpractice stuff and my own lawyer wouldn't help me with this either, saying he didn't believe me. How can I be represented reasonably without someone having faith in me? They should have done the basics and didn't.

    I am confident that a good lawyer will successfully flip the whole thing over. I need someone who just believes in it and is objective and will get records and I know we'll win. I need someone without conflicts of interest and that's about it.

  21. If, for some reason, I did not get my son back into my full custody, it would be setting up huge, huge, huge, grounds for a major civil lawsuit.

    I don't want multi-millions or billions. I want my son.

    If the right thing isn't done, I may end up with both.
