Monday, July 19, 2010

My Son Today--Nails Indicate Torture

Please read this carefully and to the explanation about his toenails.

I saw my son today. He has lost a lot of weight. He was in a good mood, so it's clear he's getting very good care from the Avilas but there are others who are in the Avila's lives whom others are protecting.

I have reason to believe it's possible my son was molested though I don't believe it is by relatives.

The most concerning and obvious matter is torture of my son through technology.

I am not mentally ill and this is real. It is the same thing that happened to us before and both military and gang members know about it.

It is military that clued me in to what was going on with my son, and other law enforcement on the East Coast. If I knew anyone in a "gang" of any kind, they got their information straight from military.

My son is being abused and tortured and is not protected.

His fingernails indicate he's not getting right nutrition and this is normal, but he's lost weight and if he cannot ride his bike because his legs are tired, it is because of what is happening to him through technology at his house, not by my aunt and uncle. My son's toenails are showing evidence of this as I noticed they have started to bubble up and are warping. This indicates exposure to a heat source of some kind and the fact that my son has been losing weight is consistent with the effects of this kind of technology.

At the base of my son's toenails it is most obvious, where the nails are swelling up in an abnormal way, which is how the effects were first seen in me and my son when this was going on when we lived in East Wenatchee.

In the visit today with my son, it went well between me and my son but the electronic plane was going off and making noises through the entire visit--not just once or twice, but on an every-5 minutes basis. It is the only electronic toy in the room which makes noise.

It has gone off now and then but not all the time. Today it was all the time. When I walked to this visit for my son, my back was fine.

For some reason, after this particular visit with my son, with the electronic toy going off all the time, my lower back began to ache and throb, the exact same way it did when my son and I were in East Wenatchee and we had health problems and the toys were going off all the time. The only other person in the room was a new visitation monitor. I don't know what was going on or how it's done, but in the visit, that toy went off every 5 minutes.

I am certain my son was also affected. Whether or not this back pain is because of overheating where I stayed last night and then being away from that source so the ache sets in, or whether it was the immediate result of what was going on in that visitation room, I don't completely know. I know I only noticed the back ache after the visit with my son. It's very bad and I haven't been having any problems with my back at ALL for a long time, and there is nothing that's occured by accident or strain that would be causing this. I haven't had a problem with the herniated disc since I was treated with cortisone. So it's not natural.

My son is being tortured, and the U.S. knows about this and people know, and something must be done.

As for my son's attitude with me and what he thought of the horse ride, we had a fine visit. It went very well. It is just that his health is not okay. He demonstrated a few behaviors of outside influences but in general he was himself and we had a good time. Really, it was a great time together.

But like I said, very bad things are happening to him even though he is usually getting good care. And, I guess, happening to me too, but I care most about my son.

Someone who is not from this area could take a look at his toenails and see the same thing that I see and see how his weight has gone down, and this is consistent with effects of a kind of technology.

People in other countries know what is happening to my son and like I said, it is some who are immediately involved in military who I choose not to expose, who also know what is being done and that others know about this. That gang members also know is no surprise.

If my son is losing weight like this, and his nails are warping and begin to bubble up, and if his legs are suddenly "too tired" to ride a bike, he is being targeted and there is no way my aunt or uncle would do this and they wouldn't have the technology or means to do it either.

I started getting a lot of "Wii" ads from babylon advertisers.

I know one thing...My Ex, Alvaro Pardo, knows what I'm saying is true. And someone should ask him how he knows what he knows.

The U.S. must immediately get involved to prevent further harm. The good people in the U.S., that is, and if no one does, others from another country will get involved.

Also, the monitor today was writing down a few things but almost nothing about the actual visit. She would start writing if my son said his toe still hurt or something like that, but we had full hours of talk and play and nothing was written and the whole time my son kept saying how he wanted me to take him different places and kept talking about the two of us together, she didn't write down a thing.

It makes me wonder if it's better to have some of these visits at the police station if toys are going off, and I'm harassed constantly, and they're doing weird things.

As for my son's toenails, they are not bubbling, in an effect to where there are air bubbles or something, it's different. It's the warping thing.

This kind of heating causes loss of appetite. It also creates severe and unusual fatigue. It also results in effects which can be plainly seen in the toenails especially. I don't know why the toenails more than fingernails, but it is plainly seen in the toenails.

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