Monday, July 19, 2010

This Morning: Job & Ezekiel

I woke up in a good mood. Why, I have no idea. I'm excited to see my son and hear about his horse ride and I am also doing what I can with my case.

It is not my fault, at all, that I have not even been able to think or act like a normal person with some of the atrocious things that have been going on.

I prayed this morning for a minute and then opened up the Bible and got Job. Now that fits. I came upon Job 1:12 at "So Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord. .." and then I read the rest of the chapter. It describes 4 events of total catastrophe, where Job loses everything in a day.

In quick succession, one servant after the other approaches him, while the first messenger is still talking...First Job is approached by a servant who tells him all his cattle and donkeys and the the attendents of these have been slain by the sword, by Enemy #1. As this guy is still talking, Servant 2 arrives in a sweat to tell Job how lightening struck and a fire burned up all the sheep and servants and as he's talking, Servant 3 arrives to announce another Enemy, #2, stole all of the camels and killed the servants as they left. Servant 3 is still relaying the information when Servant 4 runs in to tell Job how all of his sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine and a "great wind" (tornado or hurricane?) came and smote the "4 corners of the house" and it collapsed and killed all of the men and Servant #4 alone escaped.

He lost everything. Job heard this news, tore at and ribbed up his cloak, and shaved his head and prayed to God, privately, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly." He lost everything and ended up in rags. Then, matters only got worse.

I guess God is trying to tell me something. I just took up the Bible and turned it all around and prayed and asked for something important and I got Job again, totally randomly. Right at Chapter 5.

"Call now, if there be any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints wilt thou turn?"

It is a continuation of Job Chapter 4, where Eliphaz the Temanite opens his mouth to tell Job it's "karma" and he must have done something wrong because one "reaps" what they "sow." In Ch. 4 he praises Job for his good works before leveling the blow, accusing him of going astray someplace, saying it is true Job helped those less fortunate and oppressed and now it's happened to him, "Remember, I pray thee, who EVER perished, being innocent? Or where were the righteous cut off? Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same."

Basically, his friend was telling him he cared about him, but it had to have been his fault and he needs to take responsibility for his actions and appeal to God. Job answers in Ch. 6, speaking about how heavy his heart is and his grief. He is stunned that his friends would ADD to his burden by accusing him of being to blame and says, "To him that is afflicted pity should be showed from his friend; but he forsaketh the fear of the Almighty. My brethen have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as the stream of brooks they pass away; Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid..." He speaks of fair-weather friends. Right there, from Job Ch. 6:14-21 he talks about this type. They run from him and hide and afraid and ashamed to be in his company. Job says, "How forcible are RIGHT words! but WHAT doth your arguing reprove?" He goes on to say, "Do you imagine to reprove words, and the speeches of one who is desperate, which are as wind? Yes, you overwhelm the fatherless, and you dig a pit for your friend." He tels this man to look at him, LOOK at him and see if he is lying.

"Look at me! Look into my eyes. Am I lying? Do you find evil there?"

He encourages them to return to him, and not because they think he's sinned, but return to him for his goodness and see righteousness there. He says, "Is there iniquity in my tongue? Cannot my taste discern perverse things?" and lets them know that he KNOWs what sinful speech or behavior is and he is not deluded by pride in himself, or ego.

He is trying to say he is able to discern good from bad and would know in his own heart, if he's done something wrong, and he doesn't need others to accuse him of bringing this tragedy upon himself. He is competent to examine his own conscience and know where he stands with God. He feels justified and right in the eyes of God.
I turned the Bible again, closing my eyes and random, asking for something else and I got Ezekiel at Ch.22:1, "Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Now thou son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? yes, you shall show her all her abominations."

Here, God instructs a prophet to tell a city what is in store:
"Then say thou, Thus saith the Lord God:

'The city sheddeth blood in the midst of it, that her time may come, and maketh idols against herself to defile herself. You have become guilty in your blood that you have shed; and have defiled yourself in your idols which you have made; and you have caused your days to draw near, and are come even unto your years: therefore have I made you a reproach to the heathn, and a mocking to all countries. Those that are near, and those that are far from you, shall mock you, you who are infamous and much vexed."

He speaks of a city that has fallen apart and is made a mockery to other places. He goes on to say the princes of Israel (or leaders) used their power to shed blood and shamed mothers and fathers, oppressed the stranger, and have "vexed" the fatherless and the widow. They have despised holy things and profaned what is holy. They have gossiped and lied for the purpose of shedding blood and creating disorder and stirring hatred, and sit upon high mountains in pride and commit lewd act. (Ezekiel 22: 6-9). Basically, it speaks of some who party in the midst of corruption and while others are oppressed.

He goes on to say they have shamed their ancestors and elders and have humiliated women who were set apart. They have encouraged incest and adultry and have taken gifts and money for shedding blood and creating disorder (corruption). " have taken usury and increase, and you have greedily gained from your neighbors by extortion, and have forgotten me, siath the Lord God." (Ez. 22:12)

The message continues, that because of these things, "...I have smitten my hand at your dishonest gain." and more of the same, and what God thinks and will do, continues through this chapter.

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