Friday, July 30, 2010

Problems With Laptop Since Police Seized It

My laptop is not working. I got it back from the police and I can't even cut and paste from one thing to the other anymore and that is not a problem I have before my laptop was returned.

I have to take this in to the computer guy, obviuosly and then have the Wenatchee police pay for the bill. It's either them or their prosecuting attorney.

I just filed something, by email, to the court, and public defenders, asking for New Trial, my notice effective today, and for a Stay on any order pending outcome of the new trial. This means my lawyer will be helping me continue on the Temrination proceedings, not "appeal", so it is still within the realm of Termination and not going to an appellate level.

They all got their notice from me of what I want and how I cannot afford to file anything on my own behalf in a different way other than electronic mail, because I've been deprived of public defense and can't afford any of the costs.

Today would be the 10th day since an order was filed and I am not going to appeal until the Termination Trial process is over and it's not over yet. I have the right to public defense on this section and then also on a formal appeal.

I just found a cool email from someone who wrote an article and dropped it in my box, about dependency and discrimination.

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