Friday, July 30, 2010

Vibe in Town--revised

This morning people acted halfway normal and decent and then by this afternoon, no more. It is as if someone became the decider about how people should treat me.

Things went from being decent in the sense that I wasn't being harassed and people were respectful, to turning into absolute assholes.

So basically, I'd like to know who the King of the Assholes is.

Everything completely turned, like people are on a switch even. Not everyone, but most of the attitudes are so in my face and prominent, it's not hard to miss.

I should revise what I said. For all I know, it's not about anyone in particular but just something silly I wrote, or just the weekend approaching. I hope it's not anything to do with the fighting they do on the weekends.

The thing is, I had people driving by slowly, making motions and gestures of oral sex. It's really bizarre that these people do this and I know it's not to do with me but about my son and a way to get to me since I wrote I had an image about this. Some of these people are really horrible. I could never imagine making some of the gestures I've seen others make, and intentionally.

It's slowed down now so I don't know what the deal is. Either people were going to a destination or getting off work early or something. It was like a whole ton of people all at once and then it just quit and was back to normal.

I know this guy "Goodman" is also someone who has done some weird things and I wonder if it involves my son. There have been a few different people who have had access to my son. I believe my son was around different people who knew me and also, at his last visit, it was apparent to me that the stuffed animals I brought him which had supposedly been in police custody, had been seen by him before. He acted like he recognized a couple of the cops. And usually he was surprised by what animals I brought him and this last time, he wasn't surprised but acted sort of weirded out. He masked it but kind of looked like at me like "are you in with them?" which is why I was always wanting to get things for him at the last minute, so people didn't have much time or heads up to know what he would be playing with. So if those animals went straight from my buying them to police custody and somehow, my son seems to have been familiar with them already. If that's true, why would an officer be taking them up to my son's place?

He said a couple of things, but, it's possible that he got his ideas from someone who wasn't an officer who somehow overheard things I was saying about his toys before he saw them with me, but I still had this feeling, from his reaction, that he'd seen the toys before.

Having police involved, in any way, would certaintly make people feel intimidated and powerless to say anything. Whether police are simply protecting others or involved directly, this is what would lead others to think my son had to be subjected to certain things. Do I know for sure? Not for sure. But I have cause to wonder. So we will leave it at "wonder" for right now.

He was pretty sweet in the last visit too, though, except for one small mannerism or thing he did which I know he learned from someone else. Other than that, he was sweet.

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