Saturday, July 3, 2010

Schaefer's Speech in Amsterdam, Against CPS (she was shot down 7 months later)

Crimes Against Humanity

She gave international coverage to the corruption of CPS in the United States. And I can confirm every single detail of what she has mentioned. All of it is true. She is not exaggerating at all.

Here is a notice about her speech, and yes, it appears this received international attention. Her speech was made August 16, 2009 and the notice about this speech was made on August 11th. Here is the information about what she was presenting. She gave this speech to over 4,000 people from 60 countries around the world.

I'm confused about dates though, if she gave the actual speech on the 11th and then it was presented online later, or what.
Nancy Schaefer
August 8, 2009

AUGUST 11, 2009

Nancy Schaefer, former Georgia State Senator, President of Eagle Forum of Georgia and Eagle Forum's National Chairman of Parents' Rights, is scheduled to speak at the World Congress of Families in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on the subject of "The Unlimited Power of Child Protective Services." She will be explaining to over 4,000 attendees from some 60 countries how CPS is a threat to children and families not only in the U. S., but in many other countries that have patterned their Child Protective Services, Foster Care, Family Court and Adoption Services after the U.S. and supplied, with taxpayer dollars, the financial incentives to turn all Child Protective Services into a lucrative business.

Mrs. Schaefer will be on the cutting edge of how to take the family back from the "social gestapo" made up of judges, caseworkers, court appointed attorneys, investigators, guardian ad litems, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and more.

Nancy Schaefer will encourage immediate change to State and Federal policies and the abolishing of Federal and State financial incentives that use taxpayer dollars to separate families for money.

"The family is the natural foundation for marriage and home relationships. The family deserves and should always be protected by the state, the culture and by society."

Nancy Schaefer – August 2009

Please remember Nancy in your prayers as she travels to Amsterdam to tackle the hard and controversial issues of our day.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord”
Psalm 33:12
What's crazy is the amount of money in incentives to take children away and then adopt them out. I remember hearing Paul Glassen talk about this and he fled to Canada after working for CPS and I think I heard somewhere that the amount of money in incentives has really gone up.

And that's just "on the record", no telling what the dollar amount is for "under the table" deals to screw over certain individuals.

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