Friday, August 20, 2010

Absent Minded

I stopped by a hairdressers to borrow a phone to make a call about crime in taking my son away from me.

I couldn't remember if the cup of water had been mine or was someone's else. I think, because I was thinking about what to say.

The woman was very nice. I sat next to a lady who seemed sweet and I wondered if maybe she had arthritis of some kind. I didn't talk to her, I just wondered.

I tried to go a lawyer first, today, to have someone help me get records from Canada and the U.S. to overturn the whole thing that's happened with my son. But she wasn't willing or able to help me so I decided this was going to have to go to the UN if I couldn't take care of things at U.S. level first. So it's Attorney General's offices in D.C. and then from there, UN. It wouldn't be UN if it didn't involve people who work in government positions in 2 different countries.

I have 2 different cases where groups are trying to get me on something that wrongfully gained to begin with. You cannot charge someone with fault if that entire basis required that crime was committed first, in order to falsely create grounds for fault.

Michelle Erickson lied, a crime, and perjured herself to get a restraining order. Then I was found at fault for "violating" a restraining order which wasn't proper to begin with. It's not "civil" if the grounds were intentionally fabricated to begin with.

My case with my son began after others did not have proper jurisdiction to take him. They had to collude and doing this intentionally was crime, in order to create grounds for making it appear as though there legal grounds for taking him from me.

It is not legal to entrap and intentionally set a person up, or lie about them, in order to charge that person with anything or in order to remove a right.

I have already gone to the FBI locally and state, and headquarters, and the Department of Justice, and I would go straight to the UN if I did not think to at least make one small attempt through Eric Holder.

If Eric Holder cannot help me and my son and clear up this mess, then it goes to UN because I would have proven every possible effort has been made to get things taken care of, in a low-key way, here at this level.

I am screwed in this state, from getting any help, because too many people are involved. The state has only wanted to cover things up and hasn't remedied the wrong they did. They tried to cover it up. The federal government knows, and has done nothing.

So if I then make it clear I am going to the federal government and stating my cause and how this is wrong and affects my child and my rights, that is the best I can do.

If a good lawyer isn't going to help me here on this level, I then need to take it to the Attorney General's office and have them investigate and obtain records.

I have not even had a response from Canada police at all. I sent my request and no one has even bothered to reply.

Which only makes things more suspect.

People know that I know now. And they don't want me to have any records at all, I guess. Some of them. The majority of Canadians are great, but the problem is that it was government and law enforcement employed persons who colluded with the same kind of persons in WA state, to take my son.

It's wrong, and it's illegal, and it nullifies jurisdiction of Washington state in having ever taken my son at all. Every single order should be immediately vacated.


  1. i am in bellingham now its fucking awesome come check it out xoxo

  2. you should be at Eastern.

    you went the wrong fucking direction and left town before you could be prosecuted.
