Friday, August 20, 2010

Delirious, Misc. and Sectoral Heterochromia Discovery

This song to mind, out of the blue, very strong, after not thinking of it for a very long time.

It's by Delirious and I can't remember if they only sound English or if they actually ARE English.

I walked out of this hairdresser's place after placing a couple of calls and then the song that came to mind right after hearing her talk about some friend she had who was delusional...

Right after this, I walked out and a block later, maybe my mind went from the word delusional to delirious. I have no idea. I got this song very strong and I didn't get the band name first.

If someone didn't send this one to me, it was God. And I haven't been able to get it out of my mind either.

Just looked them up. They ARE English! Multi-Dove award winning. One of my all-time favorite christian groups.

This was one of my most favorite songs, and it has been months since I've thought of it at all. I clicked on the one that says "Jeremychefisgood" is the poster.

Ummm...oh, just noticed the goat featured at the end. It seems to be a big goat day. Or maybe it's bulls. I see horns everywhere now, and antlers and there was even a "uni-corn" at the fresh food stand today. haha.

I guess the guy who posted this is from South Africa I think!
I had an impression of something across my back, in the mind's eyes and then I wondered at it and it was like then, seeing something drawing a long bow across a cello or making a long sweeping movement across a harp. I got harp first but then I thought cello too. A woman making a very long sweeping movement on the harp. With cello I don't know.

I think it's an antelope? this creature with the horns?

I get the impression of dancing whenever I hear this song...all the dancers come out, for me. This song reminds me of U2 or Coldplay or some of the other bands where a song is not just a song but an anthem.

I just had a really strange thought. But I think I'll keep it to myself for right now. I might bring it up in a moment or so. Anyway, regarding Murphy's beer, and then Stout and then wondering about Amber.

On Delirious though, I guess they were "Cutting Edge" long before they were Delirious. I don't think I have ever heard anything by Cutting Edge.

"Like the Murphy's, I'm not bitter"

What's funny, is the wikipedia description of the flavor having a hint of coffee...? Nevermind

I have been seeing a lot of "big trucks" which makes me think of my son. On those huge tires.

I sort of want to do a random reading but maybe from a smaller more select spot.

No diggity by Blackstreet and Dr. Dre.
I tried a quick random book pull but for the first time, I didn't pray and that made a difference! all scary stuff. With only 6 things, and in a small space, but still. I think there is a difference in what I get if I pray first or not.
typed in 'esther song in french" and got something about ofarim esther, "the partisan", from the contributor 'conmad24'.

something about obtuse and got heavy metal but i think it's something else.

helen arney's platitudes.
I guess I will share this...
I saw pink roses with yellow, not opened all the way. Not for me. But someone holding them or around them.
something about Anne McIntosh flipping burgers. An impression of her feeling jubilant or mocking and then strangely, flipping burgers. I can't picture her cooking at all, not even at a BBQ grill, but something about flpping burgers.

I asked God for something good, and didn't spend much time on it, but all I got was some kind of laughter and then flipping burgers or something. Looked like hamburger patties to me. I asked for this in the sense of wanting something that would convince someone to return my son. Of course, so far, all the signs and wonders mean nothing. But for some reason I guess, I got AG Anne McIntosh flipping burgers and I don't know what it means to her.
I met a woman who has a little bit of sectoral heterochromia perhaps and it reminded me of how Irecently found out my Dad has this.

Someone wrote in that it was in my mother's family but it is also on my Dad's side and my Dad has this in a very pronounced way. I swear it's from the Howards.

My Dad of course, has never brought this up. I just happened to notice it the last time they visited. All along I knew there was sectoral heterochromia on my mother's side, the Scottish Bairds (grandfather and cousins I guess) and then I noticed how marked it is in my Dad, and he's more English, French, Welsh. Of course both sides with other things, but just thinking about where it's more commonly found.

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