Sunday, August 29, 2010

Assault vs. Spiritual Warfare (an impression)

There is such a thing as psychic and also spiritual warfare.

But there are also things which are very tangible and they have nothing to do with that. I know that there are some who are beginning to align with me on this too, because in the middle of all of the hostility and hatred, I have seen some people who are working on fixing this matter that has affected me and my son.

I also know that this is technology, today. It is not anything else. I know that I discovered something new today as well, with how metal affects the distribution or what is happening.

My claims are stacking up with what some intel persons, even in other countries, already know.

My son is not a guinea pig and he is not a target. He is not subject to abuse by persons in gangs of any kind, some of whom send reports to military and other government offices. Not everyone is working on that level, because the sad part is, there are too many people who are involved in this kind of thing right here in town and they KNOW about it.

The only reason I even think about making a UN claim is because this problem has involved at least 2 other countries with regard to the removal of my child: U.S. and Canada. Then, if this many people in the U.S. know about what is going on and do nothing, then that is tantamount to having U.S. military approval. If those in the U.S. do not intervene and allow torture, then they are guilty.

Which is why I am making a small report to the U.S. but why I'm also considering a quick back-up with the UN as well.
I know, very well, the difference between spiritual warfare and psychic attacks and technology. It is not difficult to tell the difference.

I wasn't having problems with my laptop today either, not until I did a wiki search on "affect of metal on ultrasound"
I will share one small impression--not describing the woman, but she was talking about my case and saying they could "get them" on "assault" and that was in reference to what has been done to me and my son.

It is the first psychic inkling I've ever had, that anyone was actually working on fixing things and holding people accountable.

Don't mess this up for yourselves by intimidating me or my family or harming my son any further.

I want my son back and I am getting him back and I know that some group is working on setting us free.

Do yourselves a big favor and back the fuck off before you get yourselves into deeper trouble.

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