Monday, August 30, 2010

Police/Michelle Erickson's Continued Harassment of Me

Michelle Erickson continues to harass me with police protection and approval. I don't buy her cop out plea of how she is just a lackey for others. There is no excuse for the kind of lying I've seen from her.

The last time she harassed me was after she got her so-called restraining order against me on false grounds, by perjury. Judge Nakata didn't even allow ONE continuance so I could bring in evidence to defend myself.

Then, after this, Michelle put herself in my space at a bookstore, knowing and seeing I was there and coming over to a table that was a foot away from me. Then, today, this morning, she drove by in her white SUV harassing me, with a Chelan-County officer right behind her, backing her up in the harassment. A mealy faced officer. I don't even know who he was but he thought it was great to have me harassed. Light brown hair and maybe average to tall, white, with lean to thin build.

They were not only harassing me in an obvious manner but laughing and thought it was great as well.

The last time Michelle harassed me, in the bookstore, she nodded off to the Elkhorn woman who sells "broadway tickets" for New York shows and who looks like Donna Titleman's sister or relative (Titleman is a CSO supervisor).

I called Rivercom to report what happened with Michelle this morning, but why have an officer contact me? When they're tailing her ass and supporting her?

My lawyer told me it wasn't that the Prosecuting Attorney didn't want to drop her false charges against me...I was told it was the Wenatchee police who didn't want to dismiss it because they are hostile and have been on a vendetta (some or most of them).

I'm sure, after illegally arresting me how many times? and having to release me after false arrest, and then stealing my belongings and evidence? refusing their duties to make reports or give me a case number for what I report? Their chief holding my bag from me unlawfully, knowing it was illegal and caused me distress?


  1. I'm curious by your statements of being harassed when people are driving. How do they do that? I've always been under the belief harassment was verbal or physical, which would mean someone would have to be yelling at you or standing in your vicinity. How would you be harassed when people are driving by?

  2. Michelle Erickson is a pathological liar. Period. I have never seen anyone lie so much in court, on the stand, to in person to others. I have seriously questioned how much of it is intentional and how much is just habit and pathology. I have come to realize that she is aware of her lies but she does it so often and with such regularity, that it almost seems like an unconscious act. This is why I have even felt sorry for her, wondering what her disorder was. She was abused as a child and has an eating problem. Her eating problem was then projected, in a very sad way, to my son. She attempted to describe my son, then 1 1/2 as a "binge eater". My impression is that her lying stems from the fact that because of her own insecurity issues, she subconsciously cannot handle criticism and will lie if there is a reward or positive reinforcement in place for that lying. She was damaged to begin with, and took a job with this department while she is still self-medicating with food and I don't know what else. A department like social and health services should not be hiring from the Wenatchee gene pool simply bc they know that person from grade school. In this kind of work, why are these people NOT being screened for mental health issues? Is it any wonder that psychiatrists have the highest suicide rate? They partially go into their profession to figure themselves out and I would guess most of the people at the department in Wenatchee have similar issues which they haven't even begun to resolve. They think that by involving themsselves in other people's lives and cases, they can fix what went wrong in their own lives. It's another form of self-medication in the guise of "helping others". No one can help others until they help themselves and the workers I've met have not done this.

  3. (continued)...

    That said, Michelle Erickson has not only lied throughout my custody case, when she should have reporting her superiors, but she also then lied to claim I harassed her and she needed a protective order which was NOT true.

    It was just another attempt to "ban" me from an offices after I had reported her coworkers Erin McConey and Tony Block (who is a REAL piece of work I might add), and to secure her position in the community.

    Will Michelle Erickson ever get past her ingrown hairs? i.e., self-made and inbred feelings of obligation to her coworkers and peers? Will she ever "betray", in a sense, those whom she has lived with and worked with, because she KNOWS they are wrong? Why would she, when she does the same thing and lies with impunity.

    This woman has affected a little boy. Part of this was out of her hatred of me because she believed I wrote a poem about her being "Blowjob Michelle" which wasn't even necessarily about her but NOW I am beginning to wonder, because if it WASN'T her, she wouldn't have been on a vendetta against a little boy over it.

    She has lied and claimed I get close to her when I never have and then after getting her restraining order, she rubbed this impunity for her lying, in, by standing right next to me for some time. She has the police aligned with her, and now wants MY record to be TARNISHED because of HER lies.

    How much will she be rewarded for that piece of work?

    She must be fired or this is a country that is down the drain. Keeping someone like Michelle Erickson in her position after she's lied over and over to my family, to the court, and then tried to excuse herself by claiming she's just a lackey, while also telling me to my face she'll do whatever she wants because I called her "blowjob michelle", is a travesty.

    She should be a cartoon face for some kind of political campaign. Hmmm. I guess the dems, since her head on an elephant would fit better than her head on a donkey but actually, I might want to combine the two into some kind of biblical or mythical creature that has both hooves in the front and an enormous ass in the back.

    Does that answer your question?

    i thought so.

  4. No, you didn't answer the question. how are you harassed when people are driving by?
