Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bad Vibe At Church Building

I went to this other church today and something didn't feel right. I met this one man who I really liked and his brother too.

But everything else...there were other people there who were bad energy.

Someone or some group had set up so many things to be harassing to me, I couldn't stay. I sensed the bad energy before I ever saw all the things though.

I sensed sadness from my son and someone else who really loves me. There were good people there, I knew, but many more who were not good or good for me.

There are 3 different congregations and it may have had something to do with one or another or just one particular person or someoen who was trying to set things up. I didn't like it so I explained to these men who were very nice, and I left.

As I talked to them it was good, and as I left the bad energy was left behind.

Then, I came around a corner and some guy is just waiting there to harass me and then another sitting in a truck staring and surveilling me. I flipped him off and felt good about it. Like God approved.

There were a couple people who seemed fine and then this one guy and his brother seemed fine. But something else wasn't okay and I never felt so reassured as to leave.

I said I needed to pray and then as I was leaving, I felt so much better I realized I didn't need to pray at all. I had just needed to leave bc someone there or some kind of energy there was not FOR me but was against me.
I also know people are just setting things up if they know where I'm going. I had told a few people which church I was going to try and sure enough, people set things up.

Then of course everyone knows my situation and where I would next logically go for something to eat if my things have all been stolen.

I really don't like it. It's like contest set up on totally suspicious grounds.

I know there were a lot of good people there. But something wasn't right. It was sort of fine at first and then I got this feeling of being too distracted to concentrate and wanted to pray on my own.
I got to the homeless shelter and had something to eat with the others and felt better still. I opened up a Bible to Isaiah 17 and read this and then to the woman with 10 coins, Luke 15:8. Samuel came to mind but I didn't randomly open to Sam I or II.

I turned to 2 Sam and then ended up reading Sam, ch. 6. It's where I ended up and it's about David dancing before God and how Michal is embarressed and chastises him for being undignified and David says it was for God, not her, and God had chosen him over all others and he would be honored by slave girls but not her. And she had no children all her days. I guess it was a parable about not mocking those who love God.

Then I finished with Psalm 90. There is a man preaching at the shelter too while I write and he's not bad. I am waiting on hot water for tea.

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