Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Abnormal BP of 105/ Indicates Heart Problems

I don't know why I was told everyone gets material about heart attack and heart failure and disease.

I just read about my blood pressure and it is abnormally low enough to be an indicator of heart problems, if it is not from a medication.

A low diastolic number (the bottom number) indicates cardiovascular problems.

Well no wonder.

Am I "delusional" and mentally ill or have I been accurately reporting technology that has been used against me which is military in nature and affects my heart?

It's either meds or technology or both. I know for a fact that some of it is technology because I know exactly what the effects are on my heart and it's from something used which causes a computer or other thing to be a conduit. That, and then there was the other military thing, where it was the sudden zapping or whatever that caused my heart to stop or turn over when someone was pointing something in my direction.

I've had people ask about genetic health issues and there is nothing with cancer or any other thing. The only one in the whole family with heart problems, was my father's father. That is one person, who had heart attacks in old age.

Then my mother's father had a heart attack recently and this was unusual.

The other symptoms I've had are of severe edema and leg swelling, which was during a time when the technology stuff was extremely bad, and when I took photos. If I was also on meds without consent I am sure that this contributes.

I am looking at my nails and my nails on my left hand are bluish in contrast to my right hand. I've had this happen before and they called it cyosis or something. It happened when I was pregnant with my son.
My laptop has been doing that same overheating thing on and off since this morning. No one from any agency has ever checked it out at all, sitting next to me or waiting for it to happen.

The only time I didn't have these problems was when I was with my ex from Colombia, Alvaro, and while I was working but before I was pregnant. I never had problems with my laptop on the East Coast, ever. I had serious problems with other things when I was pregnant but that was it.

It is only over here that this has gone on.

I also know that what happens to me is also happening to my son.
I am getting medical records signed for on Monday and then I am getting all the audio recordings to hearings I've missed as well, which, for some reason, the State doesn't want me to see or hear. I wonder why?


  1. I can just imagine your grandpa (your mom's side) saying, "I had a heart attack? When? That's news to me." That would be because he never had a heart attack.
    I'm curious how is 105/ an abnormal blood pressure? You have at least one relative that has that type almost all of the time (if not lower) and is perfectly healthy, no heart problems. I'm seriously wondering how is that abnormal?

  2. Anonymous,

    You have written here before and why be anonymous? why not get full credit for your comments? For some reason I can imagine you as being some weird combination, like a man with knitting needles who wants to intentionally jab people while you're making an overlarge purple, pink and red Mat Hatters caterpillar scarf. Or as a woman in a lot of tacky jewelry and polyester-nylon shirts that are wrinkle resistant who spends most of her days shopping in chips aisle with no need for dip as long as hubby is in tow.

    I suppose I might imagine you have an incredible background in literature too, reading everything from the farmers almanac and wenatchee world to cereal box covers.

    finally, I imagine a job most suited for your personality type would be one in the collections department where you could harass people and badger them all day and get paid to do so. mabye look into that as a step up the dead-end job ladder as wenatchee town crier.

    my grandfather did not have a heart attack, he had open heart surgery because his arm was having pains like that which lead to heart attack and the doctor said there was a serious problem and before they could do one thing, they had to do open heart surgery so he didn't die in a heart attack.

    if you want to know how 105/60 is abnormal,read up on the 60 part. It's abnormal and you can do the research.

    It's abnormal for most people and especially if that is not the norm for someone and it's not for me. My norm is about 120/80. Sometimes more on the low side, but not that low.

  3. curious as to why?August 2, 2010 at 5:50 PM

    Cameo, I have been reading your blog for some time. It was originally mentioned to me by a friend who had heard about you from others. They all think you are crazy. I too, have wondered the same. However, I tend to think you are just paranoid and possibly even a hypochondraic. You take a small piece of information and run with it, making it bigger than is necessary. I also read where you state that you have never treated anyone unkind or said anything unkind about anyone. Hmm...have you not read the blogs you post once you have written them? I find that you seem to come across very abrasively and force people to treat you negatively because of your attitude towards everyone you seem to come into contact with. Why is that? I am sorry my deal, but your actions and hurtful words about others make me tend to believe that you might just be what everyone says you are...One crazy bitch.
