Monday, August 30, 2010

Collusion To Block Me From Canada & Other Countries

I am figuring this out.

If I have to go to Canada in order to get records of what happened to me there, which is what I've been told, and then someone from the U.S. decides to do both the U.S. and Canada a favor by trying to charge me with a misdemeanor,

Both the U.S. and Canada are attempting to prevent my full discovery of their collusion and criminal activities against me.

Not only would I be barred from entering Canada, any country in the world could bar me for the same thing. It doesn't matter.

And is it any wonder then, that I was entrapped into a wrongful restraining order to begin with?

These people totally set me up and THIS is why the police do not want to dismiss it. It isn't just about them and about Michelle Erickson--it's about covering up for an international CRIME against me and my child.

In addition, I think it would make me ineligible to be the Queen of England.

I don't know about that one, but I think it might work against me.

First part is not funny. Second part I was sort of joking. Sort of. And actually, I can laugh sometimes but not all the time about this because my "threat factor" was at least bad enough to warrant my being harassed and followed all the time and dragged through the mud. Or yeah, and poisoned and tortured, my son and I both.

And the lawyer I've been given now tells me oh he thinks just go to trial.

Something I've learned about this town...the lawyer never says "Let's go to trial!" unless they know you're going to lose. They don't WANT you to go to trial here, if they think you'll win, because then they just work out a deal with the prosecution to dismiss the whole thing.

This one needs to go to federal court because they committed CRIME in order to put out a false restraining order on me to begin with. Whether or not I was within 8 feet of a perameter doesn't matter--it's the original thing that matters, which I was trying to correct and for which I was not given a legal opportunity to correct.

They knew ahead of time, must have thought it was possible I might forget, as people do, and when this was in the same area as all kinds of businesses I frequent and have to access.

They did not just "ban" me from the Dept. of State building, they banned me from being able to go to Worksource where one files for and talks to people about State Unemployment. I was not given even ONE normal continuance, and I was banned from a social services building and from unemployment. HOW fucking convenient. And then if anything looks close and they fucking falsely arrest me thinking I have drugs on me, and keeping all of my property, after taking and selling my stuff off and destroying evidence, THEN I have people higher up refusing to dismiss this...why? Because it's wrongful? No, because higher officials and other corporate criminals don't want me to uncover what happened between Canada and the U.S. and they don't me to ever have my son back.

I had filed a Motion to Terminate the Order because it was unconstitutional and because I wasn't given even one continuance.

I think I am going straight to the UN now.

I have people colluding with Canada again and with the U.S. and I think the UN is possibly the only body that might hafve one person who is objective.

I will file my things in the U.S. but I'm dual filing with the UN. I don't believe I have to wait either. I have grounds enough for making a complaint to the UN when I have this kind of thing going on.

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