Monday, August 30, 2010

Random Bible Reading (from diffferent store selection)

I decided to do the random reading from a different store, the christian bookstore. I didn't look at the aisles and just picked out whatever without looking. I did see one section or two which I skipped over but otherwise didn't look.

Guess what the last one I got was?

Oh, of course. David. David on the cover with a harp out by the sheep. "David and the 23rd Psalm" from the children's section.

For some strange reason too, I was getting the sad empty vibe until after I made this selection and then it lifted. I don't know why.


1. (Pencil Fun Books) David and the 23rd Psalm by Cathy Walker & Illust. by Ed Letwenko
pg. 3, "David discovered that God is like a shepherd. God takes care of us by giving us things to grow. He is our Good Shepherd."

2. Setting Boundaries with Your Aging Parents: Finding Balance Between Burnout and Respect by Allison Bottke, pg. 166, "True healing begins when we make the head-to-heart connection that we must "let go and let God" in all things, including our painful relationships with our aging parents."

3. The 100 Most Important Bible Verses for Mothers (the W Publishing Group)
pg. 150, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength." Deuternomony 6:5 NKJV. (I found this exact verse and wrote it down on Sunday in church). All You've Got: Your children love you unconditionally. You love them just as deeply and completely. The relationship between mother and children is an unbreakable kind of love, a deep bond, and is difficult to sever."

4. Child Sockology. New Testament Bible Feelings by Damon Taylor
pg.7, "The Jewish leaders were Jealous of Jesus' popularity. (that Jesus is really cramping my style!) John 11.
(this is from a book about all the different emotions of love, hate, sadness, and at first I wasn't going to write this down but the focus is not on being Jewish, but on the leaders then, in the crowd, where Jesus was also of the same race)

5. Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way by Gary Chapman
pg. 166, "Be at peace with yourself and then you will be able to bring peace to others" (thomas kempis) next to the page for Ch. 12 "I'm Angry At Myself"

6. Amazing Grace by Kenneth W. Osbeck
pg. 198, "Sweet peace, the gift of God's love: Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble. Psalm 119:165. Thank God for the gift of peace that He has provided. A life of peace shold lead us to a life of praise--and a life of praise in turn leads to a life of peace. (then it's about the composer Peter Bilhorn and his song Peace, Peace, Sweet Peace!)

7. La crianza de los hijos: de sobrevivir a prosperar by Charles Swindoll
pg. 156, "Hay personas que no quieren que seamos libres. No quieren que seamos libres ante Dios, aceptados tal como somos y por la gracia de Dios. No quieren que seamos libres para expresar nuestra fe orignal y creativamente en el mundo. Quiere controlarnos; quieren utillizarnos para sus propios propositos. Ellos mismos rehusan vivir ardua y abiertamente en fe, pero se aglomeran con otros pocos y tratan de lograr un sentido de aprobacion insistiendo que todos nos veamos iguales, hablemos igual, y actuemos igua, validando asi el uno la valia del otro."
(i have no idea what any of this says. I guess my spanish is pretty bad then)

8. Eyes of Integrity: The Porn Pandemic and How it Affects You by Craig Gross
pg. 113, Brazen Use. Porn use at work is now so widespread that just about every company has a monitorin system in place. According to a 2008 Nielsen online study, 25 percent of employees with internet connections use them to visit porn sites, which is up 23 percent from teh previous year."

9. Eleventh Quest (the A.D. Chronicles) by Bodie & Brock Thoene
pg. 154, "Her father was Andrew the Wool Carder. She was small and bright. Her hair was thick and brown. Eyes were an amber-brown color, clear and deep, and always seemed amused by something. Her name was Bette, which likened her to a gentle ewe lamb. Obed smiled at her as she passed, and she blushed and smiled back. The blush was proof enough to him that she was not brazen, only happy."

10. Integrity: the courage to meet the demands of reality by Dr. Henry Cloud
pg. 149, "What Walter Miscehl, who did the study, describes with the rather infelicitous phrase 'goal-directed self-imposed delay of gratification' is prhaps the essence of emotional self-regulation: the ability to deny impulse in the service of a goal, whether it be buidling a business, solving an algebraic equation, or pursuing the Stanley Cup. His finding underscores the role of emotional intelligence as a meta-ability, determining how well or how poorly people are able to use their other mental capacities. To get ready requires waiting and doing the "nongratifying" work before jumping in. It is the pilot doing the checklist, the surgeon srubbin down and reading the medaical history, the dealmaker doing the market studies and pouring over the financials of the company he wants to buy, the manager doing extensive interviews and reference check before hiring the "charming" person, the marketing group finding out first if the dogs really do like it, and the "romantic" running a TRW on the person she thinks she wants to marry after a month of dating, or going through divorce recovery therapy before jumping into a rebound relationship."

11. Serenity 4: Rave-n-rant
pg. ? chapter 4 and on the frame with the anime girl with a thumbs up and saying "Mr. Hwong rescheduled my shifts--i finally get a Friday night off!" the second frame has her yelling, "par-TAY, par-TAY, par-TAY! and her friend saying, "Great. Then you'll be able to..." and next frame she jumps at him and says "NO! Not one word about church fellowships or do-good projects this weekend!"

12. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis
pg. 72, "Chapter 6: The People That Lived In Hiding".."they came in a glade to an old hollow oak tree covered with moss, and Trufflehunter tapped with his paw 3 times and there was no answer. Then he tapped again and a woolly sort of voice from inside said, "Go away. It's not time to get up yet." But when he tapped the third time , there was a noise like a small earthquake from inside and a sort of door opened and out came 3 brown bears, very bulgy indeed and blinking their eyes."

13. Babes with a Beatitude by Linda Kozar and Dannelle Woody
pg. 319, "Lighthouse: the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:5....Artists know that any image is most effective when both darkness and light are present...without darkness, we would not appreciate the light." (devotion for oct. 30)

14. Touchpoints for Men by touchpoints. ?
pg. 116, on Humility: What is true humility? Titus 3:2, "they must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone...Being humble is being gentle and amicable to all."

(something that came to my mind just now as I wrote down this title was an image I got today, as I was walking a couple hours ago. I barely closed my eyes and I saw someone doing a touchpoint thing on someone's hands. I didn't understand it exactly, but it was like touching all the points under all 10 fingers of both hands, like some kind of massage or reflexology thing. For some reason, Diana came to mind, but I'm sure it wasn't about her. It was probably someone I know or am connected to. but I was thinking what is this and it made me think about all the kinds of possibilities and I wasn't sure and thought about stones and things but this was touching the hand. I want to say almost with one finger, on each of the pads at the base of the hand.)

15. God Knows My Name: Never Forgotten, Forever Loved by Beth Redman
pg. 144, " Like the example of Cain, there seems to be a connection between our response--or reaction--to God, and our falling into sin. We see that God is Cain's greatest cheerleader. "Don't do it!" God says. "There's still a way out. You can still change your heart and do well." God is not against Cain. He is for him! God knows that the condition of Cain's heart is the most crucial thing and so He challenges Cain to do the right thing. There was still time."

16. The Prophesy Answer Book by David Jeremiah (with an hourglass on the cover) and then keys and compass with bible, a turkish temple, and a tree. I first noticed the hourglass, coming right after the last part about there still being time.
pg. 20 and 21, side by side prophesies of nations, america on pg. 20 and europe on pg. 21 (about last days and unification of nations and that sort of prophesy stuff)

17. Breaking The Cycle of Divorce: How Your Marriage Can Succeed Even If Your Parents' Didn't by John Trent
pg. 69 , "If someone asked you whether God answers prayer, would you say yes or no?" (from a self-test about how "to gauge whether you might be looking at God as an impersonal being, answer the following questions."

as I sat outside at 5:30 p.m. and closed my eyes and saw someone tearing up a paper or papers. With hands and I don't know if man or woman, but I saw white paper and don't know what was on it but it or they was/were being torn one way and then the other way and halved and quartered, and torn up this way. Have no idea what in connection with at all. Just sitting outside not thinking of anything in particular.
at about 5:40 p.m. got little drum things. And then just as I was about to write that, the guy across from me does a drum movement. Not kidding. But they had red knobs at the end, like maybe for a xylophone if not drums. Saw drumming and maybe xylophone but I think with a kid, not sure. and then the word "destiny". wasn't sure if it was destiny or destiny's child, like someone was playing that music.
Oh, and something from last Sunday, I was in church and wrote in my notes, what I thought the message was going to be about. I tried to think of what the sermon was going to be about and I got "Paul" and his persecutions. It wasn't about that though and then I got back to the house and found out that the people I stay with, at his church, he told me the sermon had been about Paul and his sufferings.

The other thing I got was something about "love" before finding out, I guess the main messages were about love or the heart and guarding the heart and loving God unconditionally.
earlier this afternoon I was in the christian science room and getting things done and I came across the scripture in Isaiah of 42, about the annointed. Then, I guess it was a bread basket theme, with baskets there. I was thinking about bread this morning I guess, because the night before someone told me of a tradition.
I am sort of questioning a few things lately.

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