Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dumb Monkey Faces Mock Colombian Ex--plates

The other thing men have been doing, especially, is trying to imitate my Ex from Colombia. I don't really think that what they are doing is HIS idea, since it is mocking HIM. I have no idea why so many people would do this. I don't care to be with him or anyone else from my past, but it's simply annoying to have it going on all the time regardless of what it is and who it's about.

I will be sitting at the cafe facing out the window where cars are passing by and at least 20 men in a row will put this look on their faces, with their mouths open, and staring off into space, and they have been doing this for almost one full month. Almost every single day and the half of the entire town didn't suddenly turn into retards overnight.

I am not saying my Ex was a retard or ever looked like one either, but he sometimes had this expression, while driving, and all of these men have been imitating him.

I swear to God, if the people of Colombia really saw what they were doing, I don't think it would be so funny to THEM.

My Ex used to say a few things, lightly, about the people over here and I would stand up for them, in general. Not completely, but a little bit. But then I see this kind of thing and I think why stand up for any of these assholes?

There are good people here, but there are a lot of serious assholes and they are driving this game and harassment home on an everyday basis. Every single fucking day and they have nothing to fucking better do for fun.

At first when it happened, I wondered what the hell some of these idiots were doing. Then I realized, "Oh, they're imitating and trying to mock Alvaro" and then they would all do it, all at once, in a big line up in front of the window. They put on the exact expression that he would have while he was driving in the car sometimes,

0932 KX. There goes a Pepsi truck with a white man making this expression. I could just start listing off all the plates of all the idiots. I wish I had when they were really on a roll. Because when they all really got into it, they did it with gusto and one after the other, would drive by with the same expression.

Then, I mention anything about this and all of a sudden, these assholes start scaling back what they're doing.

I am not kidding. This is the FIRST time I have ever blogged about it and it's been going on for over a month. And they really have been getting into it lately.

They'll drive by, not looking left or right, in a mokery of my Ex and how he wouldn't look to the left or right but just drove straight forward and yet these people put on sunglasses (or not) and leave their mouths gaping open with a lower lip protruding. No big deal when it's one or two people. But when I see large groups of men doing this one after the other after the other, in a line up, it's something else.

Honestly, I should have been keeping track and listing all of the plates of people who did this, say, in a 10 minute segment, because I would have maybe 60-70 plates of men who have done this, repeatedly. On a constant, everyday basis. White men and hispanic men too and maybe a couple of others but that's mainly it.

Oh! NOW, I blog about it, and most of these idiots have the common sense to keep their traps shut.

8021221 California plates, man just did this, intentionally. That guy was a little. guy, maybe half one thing and half something else but I don't know what.

When is the last time I said anything about what is going on over here? Umm, aside from my personal stuff and what they are doing to my son, probably I never bring up the kind of shit people throw at me all the time.

I was seriously wondering, who the hell are they trying to insult?

And the first time I saw it I thought it was to insult Alvaro but then after weeks of repetition and imitation of his style, I knew they have been insulting him and doing it to get to me for some reason or just to put it front of me, but I am still not sure why. Why? would they even think it affects me other than to annoy the hell out of me?

But I'm saying something today.

Because these people think they can do whatever the fuck they want to do and do, and do it on a regular basis. Miss Virginia is walking away now.

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