Thursday, August 26, 2010

the egyptian cat image & no porn, sorry

I had an image of an egyptian or some kind of golden cat art. It was last night beforre it was dark and I am sure someone sent it to me or was an impression on purpose.

Then I was hanging out with real cats, that night, but no different from usual because I was outside reading and they were all there.

I was in the shower, not thinking about anything at all really, and this picture came into focus and I wasn't even trying to ge an image or picture. I wasn't in prayer or asking God to show me anything,, just idly thinking.

I did think about how people must think I have looked through this one porn magazine that belonged to someone and was lying around bc of some of the odd behavior I saw yesterday, but I never did and never have. I feel it would mess with my chi, although I briefly considered it, wondering if my impression would throw some remote viewer, esp. male, off-balance. I sort of asked God and God said no, so I didn't look, not even to maybe experiment by throwing someone else off. I was informed not to do it by God and I am not going to mess with that if I get an order. The reason I think this is because this woman has a dinstinct blush and make-up thing on the cover (just saw cover) and then all these women came in like that, and then so many odd gestures, I just figured there must be something in the magazine that someone is trying to imitate, thinking I have looked at it, and then wanting to psych me out. Expressions like men and women doing really weird things with their tongues, in a sensual way, with these provocative looks, and for absolutely no reason other than, obviously, someone thinks they can psych me out and they don't.

But no, I have never looked at it. Ever. So your time has been wasted.

As for the eyptian cat thing, it wasn't like something I couldn't control at all. It was more like I was being allowed to see what someone was hoping to manipulate themselves, whether they wanted me to see it or not I don't know, but I saw what someone else was going to.

It looked like a mummy almost, with the gold and the dark outlined cat eyes and then I realized it's art.

It actually crossed my mind that possibly it's something that the Egyptian art museum, where the Van Gogh was taken, might house. I don't know.

Or it could have been something from a book, or even a mask, or someone invoking some kind of cat spell and hoping that this would work and I happened to see it.

But it was fuzzy at first or sort of cloudy and just colors of gold and black and other Eygyptian motif and I sort of scanned different things first. I saw different things andthen my gaze, or mind's eye, settled on one object. It made me think about Eygpt, cats, and Cleopatra. Almost looked like different drawings or hiroglyphics (sp?) and then I saw something in almost a full-dimensional way, like I was standing in front of it and it was the face of a mummy or some kind of cat thing and was gold with very thick black lines around it and that's when I got cat and then immediately thought maybe someone was trying to do something and I saw this.

Just like when I had to go through purple or what I later thought was maybe purple quartz.

But, if it wasn't intentional, I might have a mind's eye into a museum, or the eyes of another sometimes.

I could have shut it out and shut it off, it was my choice to either see it or not.

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