Thursday, August 26, 2010

cooking and song "on christ the solid rock i stand"

sleepless in wenatchee last two days or 3 but i think i'll sleep tonight.****

The song that came to mind tonight on the way to church for a bible study (mainly i wanted to go for prayer too) was this refrain: " hope is built on nothing less, than jesus and his righteousness" and then the other part was "how precious is that flow that makes me white as snow".

I didn't realize I was combining two different hymns, but I sang this quietly to myself and had it in mind the whole way. the tune which was first in mind was "my hope is built on nothing less" nand this is from "on christ the solid rock i stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand."

I figured someone probably sang this today in a church service or in their personal devotions.
then, i had this song, my own little combo, the whole way and then i got to church and there was a slide show of siberia with a baptism in the snow, sort of fit the song actually.

i felt fine and then a gradual sadness and then deep sadness or depth and then it all lifted. i figured maybe it was my son's bedtime and he missed me.
i did a lot of cooking today. i did a lot of cleaning and cooking. i was first going to sautee some mushrooms and onions and i ended up cutting up the zuchinni too and then even getting into slicing up the banana squash.

i had very good results today with my impromtu dash-this-and-that cooking. i used garlic powder, a very minute amount of cumin, melted margarine, freshly ground pepper, (no salt needed with melted marg), and then i had no vinegar anywhere so i used just a few tablespoons of pickle juice and then just a tablespoon about of apple juice for a natural sweetener and then some parmesean. that was for the onions, green pepper, shrooms, and zuch.

for the squash...amazing...big surprise for me and housemates. it was so so good. i mean, yummy. i put in a lot of apple juice for the squash sautee. a little bit of pickle juice. then a touch of garlic but heavy on the cumin. the cumin with black pepper with the apple was SOO GOOD. of course i didn't tell anyone about the apple juice and pickle juice until after they ate it, bc i thought it might scare them off.

then i found cherries in the fridge and they were slightly hard but not bad and i made a cherry sauce. just cherries, water, and sugar actually, and boiled until the pits came out and I mashed and strained for vanilla ice cream topping.

then i saw these tomatoes getting ripe and decided to make a fresh spaghetti sauce. i had already made rice to go with the sauteed stuff. so i threw these really good, fresh, garden ripened beefsteak tomatoes and cut out any small slighted spots, and then threw them in the pot with a little water. then a ton of garlic powder, and oh! i forgot, i added a couple of red chili peppers to the sautee but then removed them and used them for the spaghetti. then i added pickle juice and apple juice and freshly ground pepper, and then celery salt. i had a tiny bit too much celery salt and when i added the apple juice, it mellowed it out. i first sauteed onions, and green peppers and then added them to the fresh tomatoes and then i took out the peeling when it was coming off the tomatoes. it turned out to be reeally, really good and then i added a can of hunts meat tomatoe sauce just for a little bulk or as a thickener and it was okay, as it was only a third of the volume. then housemates added ground beef later but i liked it even veggie.

and i made spaghetti noodles until they were sticking on the fridge.

so i made a lot of things and cleaned and organized cupboards and threw stuff out and also cut some branches and flowers for a small bouquet.

they wanted me to stop and walk for a latte but i said, "i can't. i have a bee in my bonnet." funny thing is, there was a yellow jacket at the window and then this other housemate later uncovered a whole roost of bees nearby buzzing.
wondered about the egyptian drawings and hiros and deities or mummies or artifacts today. who was looking at this stuff? i saw them as pages turned almost or someone walking through a room, first the drawings and then the other stuff which i have never personally seen in any house or building.
no big images today because so preoccupied, however i thought someone could maybe now what i was doing, but i wasn't doing the two-way CB. i was pretty much blanking out as i cooked and cleaned and listened to music on the radio. i did think about a certain scripture that i'd read the day before a few times.
thought about my son and sent messages to him of love and how much i love him, while i was at church. and i prayed for him to know some things.

and then i prayed too for the speaker to be able to deliver a message that was outstanding and maybe not even what he or anyone planned, but that the words would flow for him. and then...that was about it. just focused on this and on the holy spirit blessing people there to receive what was said. all good things.

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