Monday, August 23, 2010

Eric Holder: Sent Complaint On Domestic Level First

I submitted a complaint to Eric Holder's offices, through a Department of Justice email which is supposed to forward things to the appropriate designated party. I copied several other persons, discreetly, through blind copy, on this email so there is no excuse if it is lost or there is no response.

I have already attempted, in the past, to address things at a local, state, and even federal level (through some channels) but I have no tried the AGs offices.

I believe it is this department that would oversee the refusal of any other party to investigate, or which actually has a conflict of interest.

After the AGs offices, if necessary (I don't think it will be necessary), then one can make a complaint to the United Nations on an individual level. All domestic efforts have to be exhausted first, but there are a few exemptions, which I might qualify for.

However, I thought I would try to get somewhere by making a complaint to the U.S. and give some group the opportunity to step in and correct what horrible wrongs have been committed.

My actual court case is just one thing. The fact that crime was committed to even give rise to my case to begin with, should make the entire process, if properly handled, null and void, which would then take it out of the Washington state jurisdiction altogether.

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