Monday, August 23, 2010

poem: woman with a face like a grapefruit spoon

the nasty bitch
with the clip
face like a grapefruit spoon
long, sour, thin and jagged at the edges
turning to cut with every turn of the head
ran into her
whose curt words shocked
best friends
i left after she set into action
a rolling list of "or I'll CALL THE POLICE!"
"do not tempt my boyfriend again
with your mere presence...or I'LL CALL THE POLICE!"
i left and wasn't back for cheese and crackers
or heavy-on-the-artichokes-pizza-please
or cranberry salad with roasted walnuts and
raspberry vinegrette
or chardonnay
for months
i did notice her satisfied triumphant smile
sort of bleary from the car windows as
she passed while i was walking
me: without a job, without a boyfriend, without housing
and finally as ugly as she and some others hoped i
could be made out to be.
attempting this evening to
overcharge me and rub in 15 minutes
or 15 anything brought me to an idea
of her face as a grapefruit spoon
perfect for
shredding reputations at will
based on fear of my
face too close to his hand
at my plate
i might smell his pherenomes
i suppose she worries
a lot
which is why
she moved to a smaller town
to keep better track of her bait
she is a piranna
haughty until i best with verse
the flounces on the skirt as she
bounced around happily and with one eye
on me and confident in my demise
does not earn my apathy
if it hurts
ask God who gave you that mouth
and temper
to begin with
if it is you who twisted his gifts
and conspired against the gifts or blessings of another
i forgive you
if i thought it was God's fault
i would be an atheist
i never gave a damn about your waiter boyfriend

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