Monday, August 23, 2010

some art I like from the little flame book "the world's greatest art"

I've seen some of these before and it's easier to appreciate through having a longer look, but just flipping through, the ones I liked were:

giotto's "Lamentation of Christ", c 1305
jean fouquet, "The Navitity" c 1445
botticelli's birth of venus i've loved in the past but so-so tonight
pierre di cossimo's "young man" who i don't like...something not pure about the young man though it appears innocent.
da vinci's mona lisa (have, have not...sometimes i like it other times not as much)
michelangelo's "creation of adam"
arcimboldo's 'winter" for being diffferent
caravaggio's "the young bacchus"
ribera's "st. peter in penitence"
vermeer's "girl with a pearl earring"
wright's experiment with an air pump, 1768
ingres, "jupiter and thetis," 1811
hokusai's "in the well of the great wave"
theodore rousseau's "a wooded landscape at sunset with a faggot gatherer"
henri rousseau's "vu de l'isle saint louis..."(made me think of gypsies and then read on a note that he did a work about gypsies even though this wasn't one of them...something about the rendering of the moon and the city)
degas' 'danseuses vertes"
edvard munch "the scream"
gustav klimt, "the kiss"
balla's "grand fiore futurista"
tom thompson, "The jack pine"
lempicka's "les deux amies"
frida kahlo's "autoretrato en la frontera entre mexico y los estados"
diego rivera's "vendedora de flores"
tanning's "the truth about comets and little girls"
matisse's "the snail"
rothko's "untitled", 1968
hodgkin's "dinner at the grand palais" ("waiter, there's a hair on my sushi")
lewis's "evening rendezvous"
like the contrasts in idea with palmer's "illustrations to milton's lycidas"
benoist, "portrait of a negress"
silk in watteau's "les plaisirs du bal"
adoration of the magi (i like the expressions of the animals)
baptism of christ
...the more i look the more i find
this is just quick glance, but there are others i liked as much or more, these just caught attention for being different or want of a second look tonight but wouldn't necessarily want them all for my own at all. like the truth about comets and little girls, isn't my style, but i like how they evoke the imagination. i would have to look at them all more closely and would probably like other ones better tomorrow. but tonight, i didn't feel like continuing the examination of the one of the guy with the sword...not tonight but probably tomorrow. i do like it too, and actually, having a closer look then notice what detail to these.

i used to have degas, japanese wood block art and hokusais, some impressionism, monet, waterhouse, and klimt and then i like the abstract and modern art (it's sort of my own style and noticed it more later) and kahlo draws me in to read the painting like a story. i liked rothko tonight, how bright that section of white is in the middle.

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