Tuesday, August 24, 2010

this morning and last night: painting & other (amended)

i forgot to mention, because i thought it was sort of cool, an impression of someone painting.

painting grand.

it was yesterday or the day before. i don't remember which, but between sunday evening (early evening) and yesterday, at some point, a very long stroke or reaching up as if maybe it was a larger canvass. but i don't know, i don't sort of got only that. an arm reaching up to paint.

my first thought, was painting on a canvass, but it's remotely possible it could have been someone painting something else, for some reason. my impression was making a painting though.

i sort of think it was sometime on sunday.
i felt sadness and a depth to this sadness, for an hour or more this morning. maybe around 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. it was fine and then it just hit and stayed there and lifted after i went out and tried to forget, i guess. i played one or two songs.

Thought I got something french but now thinking, probably not, just saw a french thing in a store window. LOL.

then i started talking with someone and forgot about it and had a couple of lucky guesses. I sort of read someone's mind. I asked when a certain event was, that I have no foreknowledge about and then in my mind, beforehand, I had a month. Just a month, no season and no day and no year. And then, he said the same month that I had in mind. Somehow, I had just this month firmly in my mind and then he said the same thing. I only said, "When do you guys go to..." and that was it and it could have been any answer...anything from a day to year to season to something else. But I got the precise month. December.

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