Tuesday, August 24, 2010

stuck with time to kill:random book reading

i'm stuck with time to kill until tomorrow. so i actually had absolutely zero desire to do a random book selection but i thought, i guess i will for creative process.

i got a lot but not as many as last time. still, a lot.

pulled out a calendar first. "the illuminated rumi" by michael green. quite pretty. i don't know anything about rumi but my finger lands on the month for "feel yourself now quietly drawn". i felt like getting a lot of cookbooks but that was it. otherwise, pretty random where i even drew books.

1. the encyclopedia of healing foods by michael murray.
pg. 317, "watermelon can be eaten on its own, used in fruit salads, or juiced."

2. god bless you mr. rosewater,, by kurt vonnegut
pg. 55, "she wanted nothing more to do with hometown or mr. z, announced that she was off to the gaiety of paris, and to merry old friends there. She wished to by new clothes, she said, and to dance and dance and dance until she fainted in the arms of a tall, dark stranger, into the arms, hopefully, of a double spy."

3. vegas rich by fern michaels
pg. 397, "fanny, i have always been of the opinion that when a person is nearing the end of their life, their wishes should be taken into account. sallie is a very strong-willed woman. if she wants a fac-lift, let her get a face-lift, but she should get it now."

4. a mercy, by toni morrison
pg. 90, "blasphemy!" elizabeth would should. "truth! " dorothea replied.

5. the shotokan karate bible: beginner to black belt by ashley p. martin
pg. 87, chapter 7, green to purple belt

6. strong women, strong backs by nelson, ph.d.
pg. 127, "despite the fact that chiropractors constitute the third largest group of health care professionals in the United States (after physicians and ...
***and then i turned the page and there is nothing to follow this sentence. it's missing completely, so it's a major error in this book********

7. cook smart by lucy doncaster
pg. 127, "Chicken and preserved lemon tangine"

8. thalia: belleza!"
pg. for "labios de lujo"

9. the not so big house collection by sarah susanka
from the book "creating the not so big house" and the playfully sustainable section, pg. 141
copper tubing is used in the stair railing design toturn an everyday necessity into a work of art."

10. detox with oral chelation: protecting yourself from lead, mercury, and other environmental toxins by david jay brown and garry gordon
pg. 174, "I'm very grateful that there are many words, because there are still so many children who are not detoxing and who are silent. i think that's a tragedy."

11. WF wrestlemania by devito jr.
pg. 96, "yokozuna brings the hit man down to one knee"

12. the busy mom's make it quick cookbook by jyl steinback
pg. 51, "sausage breakfast souffle"

13. an angel to watch over me by joan wester anderson
pg. 95, "are angels the same as ghosts?"
answer: no, ghosts are the spirits of people who have died and, for some unexplained reason, have not yet gone to meet god. we don't know why they seem to linger here--perhaps they need people on earth to pray for them."

14. the tender words of god: a daily guide, by ann spangler
pg. 159 "i know about your hard times
i will repay you for the years the locust have eaten--the great locust and the young locust,
the other locusts and the locust swarm--
my gret army that i sent among you.
you will have plenty to eat, until you are full,
and you will praise the name of the lord your god,
who has worked wonders for you.
i will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will i satisfy with food."

15. a queer geography by frank browning
pg. 149, "that was--and remains--the essential errand in the wilderness: a New Jerusalem that will be a light unto the darkened world."

16. getting the love you want by hendrix
pg.97, "that little boy lived for five years inside his bubble. the coulples that come to me have been living for two, ten, twenty--as many as forty years inside a restrictive, growth-inhibiting relationship."

17. straight from the horses mouth: how to talk to animals and get answers by kinkade
pg. 183, "the cat in the woodpile. evelyn, a beautiful irish woman, came to me disheveled and tearstained. she worked long hours as a nurse, but in her off hours her greatest joy was spending time with her house cat, tabitha."

18. real men cook by kofi moyo (got this one again for some reason)
pg. 134, "lala's chicken curry"

19. holiday hearts by pamela johns and barry
pg. 68, "spicy red pizette with tomtoes, red peppers, and red onion"

20. holy clegg's trim and terrific diabetic cooking
pg. 67, "sweet potatoe and apple soup"

21. the modern baker by nick malgieri
pg. 131, "rolling dough (for pie crust)"

22. brave new world by aldous huxley
pg. 219, "yes, that was true. he remembered how helmholtz had laughed at Romeo & Juliet. "well then," he said, after a pause, "something new that's like Othello and that they could understand."

23. crossfire by dick francis and felix francis
pg. 145, "did it have anything to do with Gibraltar?" i asked.
he shook his head once more. "I can't remember." he began to dribble again from the corner of his mouth, and thre were tears in his eyes. it was time for me to go."

24. the informers, by juan gabriel vasquez
pg. 114, "yes, he told me about that several times as well. "On the Crown." the Trucks."

25. the sibley fireld guide to birds by david sibley
pg.119, the genus meleagirs, "wild turkey"

26. my fair lazy by jen lancaster
pg. 183 "i begi my ascent, planning to find a tea shop. but then i remember what happened last year when i went exploring on an empty stomach, and i decide to stop first to take in some sustenance. i smell something amazing and do a Toucan Sam, only my nose leads me to a bakery and not the Froot Loop jungle."

27. red carpet suicide by perez hilton
pg. ? part 2. the future of hilton

28. brain-switch: out of depression by curtiss
pg.119, "feeling your feelings and accepting your feelings"

29. star wars repulic commando: triple zero by karen traviss
pg. 190 "whoa," sev said, "look at this one..." fi and jusik followed the angle of sev's scope. "csf database haas this tagged as restricted."
"could mean it's of interest to us, or could mean organized crime."

30. the name of this book is secret by pseudonymous bosch
pg. 159, "spas were places for what her mother called "me time," and they usually included a massage. cass had been to a spa once--if you counted the booth that amber and her friends had built for that year's school fair."

31. Life makeovers by cheryl richardson
pg.111, "The permissionn slip book" (special messages 4U)

32. Parent Effectiveness Training by thomas gordon
pg. 165 "planning ahead with older children"

33. jesus, ceo by beth jones
pg.91, "once jesus began his work in earnest, he wasted no time in forming a team."

34. wait till helen comes by mary hahn
pg.110, "if i slept any more that night, i don't remember it. as soon as the grray light of dawn glimmered at the window, i slipped out of bed and tiptoed down the hall to michael's room."

35. the last light of the sun by guy kay
pg. 103, "not a torch. it was pale, motionaless, no flickering. he found himself breathing shallowly, as if he were hiding from searchers."

36. the mystery of love by gafni
pg. 157, "giving up control. human beings are educated to always be in control. many of the messages we receive, beginning with early childhood, are that we must be in control."

37. baries my pod: storybook nd personal music player.
pg. 15 from the 12 dancing princesses.

38. school year chronicles: the best of in-school and after-school:
a personal collection of your child's school year memories
and that's all. very random and all over the place. a few clicked with me, would be things i would read or be interested in. especially today, the cooking and the school year stuff with my son in mind.

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